What Price Spain?

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09 Apr 2011 12:00 AM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

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A stroll and as I stretched out on a bench to soak up the atmosphere and sunshine; it was 30c +, life it seemed could hardly be more blissful. I thought to myself; if offered a million quid to work from a UK office for the next ten years I would almost certainly turn it down. You can’t put a price on what we have here.

A working friend in a modest job; modest income too said that if he was offered £50k a year to work in the UK as an alternative to living here he would take the Spanish option. What would get you back to the UK?


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09 Apr 2011 5:28 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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 Yesterday I had to go to a government office to register some details.  It took 5 minutes and I had the paperwork in my hand and was done at 2 in the afternoon.

My wife had to visit the GP.  She was seen, diagnosed and collected her prescription (for free) from the attached pharmacy and all within 20 minutes.

We then went shopping in a supermarket and had the choice of goods from all corners of the earth.  Next door was a furniture shop that sold top quality furniture which didn’t cost an arm and a leg.  We bought two wooden steamer chairs for just under £50.  The plus is that all the shops will be open without closing for hours on end during the afternoon, as were the government offices.  My mail was delivered, to my door, this morning as it is every morning, along with the national and local newspapers (2 nationals and 1 local for the cost of one in Spain).

This morning, in temperatures of around 20C, we walked through our village where all the lawns were immaculately trimmed, the cherry blossom on the trees is hanging over the pavements, people are out chatting to each other.  The well kept houses are not piled next to each other nor are they on top of each other.  The streets are clean.  There is absolutely no graffiti anywhere.  Our local store is open until 10 this evening and has a plethora of goods for sale.  We stopped off at a local park which covers 40 sq miles and has ponds with ducks, geese and swans. Deer are roaming just over the wall, daffodils and crocus blooming, people walking their dogs (and picking up the mess).  The surrounding village is, literally, in bloom and we stopped at a small tearooms for tea with scones and jam and clotted cream.

This afternoon, the grandkids stopped by.  We took them to a little park which is nearby and they played on the many swings/roundabouts/climbing frames for about an hour before we walked through the park.  My grandson and granddaughter then had half an hour on the skateboard park.  We could have popped into the leisure centre with its squash courts, gymnasium, dancing lessons and an indoor pool but we preferred to stay outside in the sunshine. 

My wife is now preparing an evening tea which will consist of malt loaf, sandwiches made of granary bread with breaded ham, a large veal, ham and egg pie, a selection of pickles, jam tarts, Dundee cake and other goodies.  My neighbours kids have just called by and the children are now playing on the lawn out the back.

Now, you have already told us you are Irish but I have absolutely no idea why you have such a downer on the UK.  If you were to post a few comparisons between Spain and Ireland then I could understand it.  I now spend half my time in Spain and half in UK.  I love both countries but am not so blind as to close my eyes to the faults that both have.  I am sure that, especially on this site, there are many who will tell you they will not even set foot in Spain again due to the corruption in government and legal circles.   The maňana syndrome is quaint at the beginning but becomes a drag after a while. 

So, to answer your question, the above are just a few points as to why I have not yet made the total move to Spain.  Oh, and the weather has been in the 20s C for the last week and reached 24C on Thursday.  I agree, you cannot guarantee it but when we do get the heavy rains, at least the roads and pavements in the towns don’t resemble an Olympics water slalom course.


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09 Apr 2011 5:43 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

sounds blissful, we now have a day or two of spring which then turns to a day or two of summer and the sun's miracle seems to work better than anti-biotics, but I am not sure that the sudden changes are good for our coughs and colds.

it has been absolute misery watching children and babies in weeks of distress as they fight the seemingly everlasting choking evil colds and flues.

I think I could suffer a bit of manuana to be spared watching the grandkids suffer.

But there is no hope of leaving without them. She would not stand for it.




N. Sands

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09 Apr 2011 7:14 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

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Someone once said: having what you want is not what makes you happy - it's wanting what you have that does. All matter of perspective I suppose?

P.S. To be comfortable and content and able to choose how much time to spend where sounds like the best option to me. Well done, Bob, good for you!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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22 Apr 2011 8:16 AM by alfshane Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

It is such a nice talk to read. And well said by Roberto -


“Someone once said: having what you want is not what makes you happy - it's wanting what you have that does. All matter of perspective I suppose? “


Really our expectations from life never end and this way life goes on and on. But we can be happy with even little things that we have if we notice them.


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08 May 2011 9:11 AM by KERRYB Star rating in Wales & Murcia. 110 posts Send private message

The best bit.......

In February sitting in Los Alcazares, 20oC, tee shirt and shorts, beachside enjoying a coffee or a lager if later! whilst phoning back to UK and dad says scraping ice off car and temp are minus???! 


On the downside......

Been to Spain a few times in July And August and its simply too hot and not enjoyable!


Ideal scenario.........

Spain for the Winter, West Wales for the summer and get the best of both worlds.

Thats our current plan for retirement only 4 years away!!!    

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10 May 2011 3:11 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

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Good Kerry! That is fantastic! Please keep us updated.




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21 Mar 2012 10:50 PM by mojito Star rating in Cupar Fife / San Jua.... 268 posts Send private message

Similar to our plan.  House in Almeria bought.  Looking forward to spending winter in Almeria and summer back in Scotland.  Two years to go!  Learning the language and making friends in the meantime.


Jo and Jim

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24 Mar 2012 9:33 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 posts Send private message

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Ditto us - a great place at La Tercia and can't wait until we can make the final move. 

Sandra & Allan





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