anyone bought / moving to San Miguel de Salinas (Angelina apartments)?

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22 May 2007 12:00 AM by tugay Star rating in san miguel de salina.... 16 posts Send private message

Hi bought apartment at San Miguel de Salinas, initially bought in La Matanza but hd 2nd thoughts (Too far away and a bit isolated, though the complex looked great when we went over in April).

Completion due in July next year, going out in August again to spend a bit of time in the town itself. Anyone else bought here?




Blackburn Lancashire

TUGAY (Dave & Sheila) San Miguel De Salinas   Costa Blanca

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22 May 2007 11:17 PM by harley Star rating in West Midlands/ Costa.... 67 posts Send private message

harley´s avatar
Hi tugay,
Know were you mean,  San Miguel have there own site not aloud to post it on here, we have a place 5 min away I belive there will be 320 high rise apartment blocks, a large site for a small peblo, there has been a lot of debate from the locals, and still is. Really nice place to be, are you hoping to move out there?



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23 May 2007 11:26 AM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Hi Tugay

Welcome to EOS.

We own in Playa FLamenca, not too far from you.

Nice area you have chosen...............

Kine regards,



One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:


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16 Dec 2008 8:30 AM by stephensteve Star rating. 32 posts Send private message

Hi yes , I have bought off plan and am having a few issues with completion and a few worries,would you like to share your thoughtS  on ANGELINA   ????

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16 Dec 2008 11:11 PM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

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Hi folks - I live nearby in Playa Golf and took a drive past the site this afternoon.  Couldn't see very much detail but it looks like there are two blocks finished and one around half-built.  There was some activity on site (including a workman peeing against a fence!).  It looks like an enormous site although there may be more than one development involved - I'm sure others on the forum who live in San Miguel will have more information. 

There is a thread here for the development but very few people posting at the moment, I'm afraid.  If there are problems with the completion then you will find a lot of very good information here and there are many experts who can porvide advice if required.

All the best.


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18 Dec 2008 6:10 AM by stephensteve Star rating. 32 posts Send private message

Thanks for the reply, I am new to this site and not too good with computers...!!!    If anyone can point me in the right direction on this forum I would be most grateful..THanks all..steve 

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18 Dec 2008 7:01 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

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Just click on the link below & it will take you to the Angleina forum.




This message was last edited by nfm2862 on 12/18/2008.


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20 Sep 2011 7:10 PM by susandrea Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi there,

Found your thread through searching Angelina, San Miguel.  We are thinking of buying there and would be really grateful if you could let us know what you think of the apartments and area.  Thanks Sue



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21 Sep 2011 10:36 AM by stephensteve Star rating. 32 posts Send private message

Hi yeah, we thought the place  was good, buy through Costaluz lawyers and don't pay too much....!!

What property and price are you looking at???

Do your own research though and follow the advice from maria at Costaluz..!!!

tell me how you get on  ta  Steve

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21 Sep 2011 10:49 AM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 posts Send private message

 I live about 5 kms north in Jacarilla,

There are alot of apartements in this area looking to sell so you can barter your price down easily.

good luck







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21 Sep 2011 12:22 PM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

EOS Supporter

Hi - there are some very good special offers at Angelina at the moment, and that seems to have renewed interest in the development.  Great location and I think that San Miguel is a really nice place to live.



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21 Sep 2011 12:26 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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I have the Angelina apartments on my books but in all honesty i wouldn't recommend them unless you are desperate to buy there,there are much better options available at the same price or lower.

I had them from off plan but the site is a mess and very isolated,you will live on a building site for the next ten years.

Have a look around,you will be amazed at what you can get for your money at the minute!!!

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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21 Sep 2011 2:37 PM by pp75 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message


Are the "isolated" apartments you are referring to the ones that are 5 minutes walk in to the village of San Miguel?

If yes..

What inside and acurate information do you have with regard to construction taking 10 years there.  Do you mean when they start building it takes 10 years to complete??? 

As an agent are you able to offer genuine impartial advice?

As an agent have you actually had any dealings with the builder or sold any properties there?

If it is such a bad place why do you offer it on your website?  Could it be that it would be difficult for you to sell to people who have already visited the site themselves?

Is there anyone on this forum who actually lives there that is unhappy/thinks it's not a good place?

And for full disclosure, yes, I am an agent and we have sold several Angelina apartments and every client has been very happy there. 




I have the Angelina apartments on my books but in all honesty i wouldn't recommend them unless you are desperate to buy there,there are much better options available at the same price or lower.

I had them from off plan but the site is a mess and very isolated,you will live on a building site for the next ten years.

Have a look around,you will be amazed at what you can get for your money at the minute!!!"


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21 Sep 2011 5:03 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Are the "isolated" apartments you are referring to the ones that are 5 minutes walk in to the village of San Miguel? Sorry by isolated i mean 2 blocks in the middle of an overgrown field that has taken 5 years to build.

If yes..

What inside and acurate information do you have with regard to construction taking 10 years there.  Do you mean when they start building it takes 10 years to complete??? 

In my opinion it will 10 years before they start building the proposed plan and the 10 more years to complete.

As an agent are you able to offer genuine impartial advice?

That is my honest opinion,if people ask they get honest opinion based on 24 years experience,if they want impartial they could ask someone who doesn't care what they buy or the outcome of any purchase.

As an agent have you actually had any dealings with the builder or sold any properties there?

I have had a meeting with the builder after they pulled away from Atlas (being CBB) and went independent,haven't sold any, no,don't have enough confidence in the build time of the completed site.

If it is such a bad place why do you offer it on your website?  Could it be that it would be difficult for you to sell to people who have already visited the site themselves?

It's not on my website but we do keep them on file,if a client wants to buy one after they have had my opinion then we have the facility to sell them ( for example if a friend lived there and they insisted)

Is there anyone on this forum who actually lives there that is unhappy/thinks it's not a good place? don't think you will get many takers on that?!

And for full disclosure, yes, I am an agent and we have sold several Angelina apartments and every client has been very happy there. 

If they are, then that is all that matters

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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21 Sep 2011 5:31 PM by meggie Star rating in England. 114 posts Send private message

Do you mean these apartments? You get a good idea of what your view might be here. Personally, I'm with Gorgia.  I wouldn't buy there, either.  There are some lovely places in the town itself...but why buy when you can get an incredibly good deal on a rental at the moment and you won't have to try and sell it when the time comes!



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21 Sep 2011 5:48 PM by pp75 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

 Are the "isolated" apartments you are referring to the ones that are 5 minutes walk in to the village of San Miguel? Sorry by isolated i mean 2 blocks in the middle of an overgrown field that has taken 5 years to build.

A property 5 mins walk  from the centre of the village is hardly isolated is it? 

If yes..

What inside and acurate information do you have with regard to construction taking 10 years there.  Do you mean when they start building it takes 10 years to complete??? 

In my opinion it will 10 years before they start building the proposed plan and the 10 more years to complete.

I agree that they will not start the next blocks until the time is right for them, but 10 years until they start and then 10 years to build is really a bit ridiculous imho.

As an agent are you able to offer genuine impartial advice?

That is my honest opinion,if people ask they get honest opinion based on 24 years experience,if they want impartial they could ask someone who doesn't care what they buy or the outcome of any purchase.

Agreed, no one better to ask than people who live there rather those in impartial postions

As an agent have you actually had any dealings with the builder or sold any properties there?

I have had a meeting with the builder after they pulled away from Atlas (being CBB) and went independent,haven't sold any, no,don't have enough confidence in the build time of the completed site.

But you would actually sell something to someone that you don't have confidence in?? (see comment below)

If it is such a bad place why do you offer it on your website?  Could it be that it would be difficult for you to sell to people who have already visited the site themselves?

It's not on my website but we do keep them on file,if a client wants to buy one after they have had my opinion then we have the facility to sell them ( for example if a friend lived there and they insisted)

So what is property ref R264045 on your website then (screen grabbed but can't post that here)

Is there anyone on this forum who actually lives there that is unhappy/thinks it's not a good place? don't think you will get many takers on that?!

In that case would you advise the prospective buyer to visit developement by themselves and meet the residents before buying to see if they are happy or not?

And for full disclosure, yes, I am an agent and we have sold several Angelina apartments and every client has been very happy there. 

If they are, then that is all that matters


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21 Sep 2011 5:52 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 They are the ones,very selective with the view shots as well.....if you look behind the apartments there is an area the size of sherwood forest covered in weeds!!

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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22 Sep 2011 11:59 AM by Anya Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

There are much nicer options at better prices in more residential areas.  Take time to look around.


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08 Jun 2014 7:51 PM by THKH Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

hi  been  in  san  miguel  village  3  years  now

have  not  seen  any  work being  done  on  those angelina  apartments  in  that  time.

at  the  moment  it  is  a  buyers  market  so  only  go  for  a  REAL  BARGIN.

SAN  MIGUEL  not  the  best  looking  village but  very  practical  eg  medical  ctr, supermarkets

fuel  chemist  d i y  etc  etc.

if  you  do  buy  be  prepared  for  a  long  haul  in  sorting  direct  debit  payments  etc.,

when  you  get  your   electric  bill  (shock)  you  will  think  your  paying for  the  whole


if  you  do  find  property  you  like  first  get  a  good  lawyer  to  guide  you thru  the  steps

eg,  check  on  the   builder  (if new  build  to  see  if  he  has  paid  on  his  legal  lists)

and  water  electric  connections   are paid  and  in  place

check  for  community  non  payers  (they  can  be  a   pain)

as  stated  do  all  your  checks  if  any  builder  / community / or  any  ongoing  issues

KEEP  WALLET  SHUT   walk  away  look  to  buy  elsewere


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08 Jun 2014 10:53 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Welcome to this forum but you have just resurrected a thread started in 2007!

This message was last edited by morerosado on 08/06/2014.


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