The Comments |
You are probably aware that it's election time again in Spain. I think the actual elections are on Sunday (I should really know this).
I absolutely hate politics but I can't help poking my nose in at the moment. I've got it in for the current mayor after he was so rude to me last year and told me straight that he would never help us with the problems facing our urbanisation. The current mayor belongs to the PSOE party and his direct rival is really the one standing for election for the PP (Partido Popular) party. Mind you, he's no better either after calling one of the Spanish residents from our urbanisation "a terrorist" becase he is from the Basque area of Spain. Hmmm, not good really!
Anyway, I saw the mayor this morning handing out roses to the mothers outside the school. I was close to having a big go at him for not sorting out our problems and close to shoving those roses right up his......but I resisted for the sake of the kids.
So I blogged it today and hope many people read it and see him for what he is.
But a question for the ladies on this forum, can you really be "bought" by a rose????
See my blog:
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
that really makes me angry, and sadly i feel says much about how Spanish people in authority think they can treat people. Rude to the point of ignorance, while at the same time making creepy gestures to mothers coming out of a school. How insulting is that to anyone! I heard recently, a large developer has been given permission to sponsor a Spanish homes exibition for the next 5 five years. This same company has conned, misled and lied to hundreds if not thousands of people from all over europe including Spanish, and due to the greed, corruption and money involved, gets away with much of it! Double standards, and lies just seem part of the fabric with many of those in authority, and the news is spreading fast!
This is certainly one lady ( not sure that's the right descriptive word tho!) who cannot be bought with a rose, or a whole bunch,or a florist shop full or even a whole arboretum!!!!!!!!!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Yes folks and EOS team, i generally agree with all your sentiments. M.Ps and those in power all over the world including the U.K, are only out for themselves, although i am sure there are a few that go into politics with the best of intentions but when those fat salary cheques and expenses start to come through, i think they forget the original reason why they made politics a career and that was to do the best possible for their constituancy and their country. The good news is that WE seem to survive inspite of their greed.
Now Retired and have our money back in FULL via our bank guarantee. Bob and Pauline.
We had local elections back here in the UK a couple of weeks ago.
In the local bi-elections here in Braunton, North Devon I wrote:
"None of the below" above the list of boxes and to the right of that statement and above the list of boxes marked an 'X'.
Then put my name and address on the back of each form to show them how 'Reet passed oof ihas ba wiv eem"
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Justin, you posed the question, ..... "a question for the ladies on this forum, can you really be "bought" by a rose????
Absolutely NOT!!!!! ...but diamonds are worth consideration..!
And maybe chocolate, or even champagne....................rose WINE might do it....hmmmmm
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
What are local elections???!!!! In fact, what are elections!!????!!!
This message was last edited by Pitby on 5/22/2007.
until i bought a place in Spain (well put a deposit down), i didn't realise what a pleasent place the UK is to buy in, or have any legal dealings for that matter!
Corrpution is still alive and kicking here in Manilva.
Has anyone read the article in El Mundo newspaper on 18th of May about Zotano (the current Mayor of Manilva) and the contracts he has passed onto HIS company for electrical installations??
Someone has printed it off on bright green paper and is all around Manilva today.
It seems he has passed contracts up to the value of 753,538 Euros to his company Rafalux and the contracts were never put out to tender.
It seems corruption is still rife. Most people know my opinion of Zotano and personally I really hope he doesn't get in again.
And what a nerve too. We STILL have no street lighting where we are, which after 2 years is dispcable...and all the money he's passed onto his just shows he really doesn't care about anyone apart from himself.
Roll on the elections on Sunday....I really hope people vote with their heads.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
will the elections bring any real change do you think?, or is the corruption so much 'part of the fabric' that whoever takes over, desite promising change, might have a gun to their head, when it comes to trying to clean up the current mess of lies, corruption, fraud etc?
i don't agree with much of the current governments actions, but compared to the previous shower, or for that matter the present alternative shower , i think most people in the UK have done O.K.
The thing to remember goodstich is - Spain, like Italy has not had a democratic government for very long. It was run by Franco for many years, and generations of people had to live in black market economies for years. the only way to get a little extra was to cheat or take it off someone.
The same thing happens in the supposedly new Eastern European countries, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania.....the list goes on.
Take Iraq or Afghanistan for example, the western governments think they can parachute democracy in over night. It just isn´t possible, it takes many generations before true democracy gets a hold.
Politicians, police, armed services and businesses in these countries only survived through corruption, It would be impossible for them to adapt so quickly. To change the mentality of a nation takes at least 1 generation. Spain has changed a lot in the last 30 years but the generation in power right now still remember the old Franco ways, some even prefer them, it´s the only way they know how.
Buying a property in such a regime is fine provided you are aware of the above and look out for the warning signs.
Here endeth the lesson on European Politics!
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Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.
Justin does the Mayor only have an Electrical company? At Arenal Duquesa he is refusing to grant a License of First Occupation unless the developer uses the 'Town Hall' construction team to make up the adjacent road!! It beggars belief that this kind of thing is still going on after all the adverse publicity. Do these people have a death wish?
_______________________ To Dare Is To Do
yes, i sympathise with the attitude to a point, but where i think it falls foul, is when a developer/agent/lawyer is found to be guilty, and it is still not dealt with in the right way? Why should people have to go through long and expensive court battles against crooks, when often the case is very clear to any fair thinking judge?
Whatever the countries history, i don't think there is any exuse for corruption and lies against decent honest people, it's ruining Spain, and needs to change fast.
Quote goodstitch " Whatever the countries history, i don't think there is any exuse for corruption and lies against decent honest people, it's ruining Spain, and needs to change fast."
That´s my whole point goodstitch, It´s not "whatever the counties history" it´s "because" of the countries history that it´s people behave as they do, Judges, lawyers, mayors, land owners, builders were not exempt from Franco´s regime, they effectively ran it!
It has ruined Spain for us incomers, but to the indiginous population they have seen a huge improvement, (though I agree there is loads more to do).
Spain is slowly improving it´s act, but it will take years for it to catch up with the UK (If ever)
You only need to look at a game of football between a Mediterranean team and a Northern European team to see that cheating is inbread.
British people are not exempt from corruption and I don´t just mean politics, the difference is, it´s done in a language we understand and resolved by a legal system we are familiar with. Just watch "Watchdog" or House of Horrors plus Whistleblower to see that Spain isn´t the only place in Europe to get ripped off.
Business advice and consultancy - Visit
Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.
...well i think there are just too many scumbags at all levels who are just getting away with daylight robbery. I see that as the biggest crime. Spain has had over 30 years to adjust, and things seem to be getting worse in some areas. I don't think cheating and lies are a national past time amongst people on the street, more to do with greed/corruption in the housing/business section i feel.