The Comments |
Alan, I believe the company you are referring to is "Urinci" who were the ones "appointed" by the town hall to do our road too. They made such a mess of it that the road will have to be re-done. Our developer actually wanted to build the road themselves but they weren't allowed.
It seems corruption is still the order of the day.
Goodstitch, most of the members of the PP and PSOE parties in Manilva are under some sort of investigation for all sorts of reasons. There is however one independent group headed by the local doctor which actually does NOT have any members which are under any sort of investigation. I think I know where my vote is going!
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I was driving to work with my wife yesterday listening to the election results on REM. FM. I suggested to her that the UK should adopt the Spanish and French system of voting on Sunday as this would improve the turnout. Usually it is difficult to get to a polling booth in the UK on a weekday as we have to go to work.
My wife looked in horror, and said can you imagine the turnout in the UK on a Sunday!! they play football on Sundays so the turnout would be ZERO. But what´s worse, most people in the UK drink about 10 pints of John Smiths at Sunday lunchtime!!! By the time they got into a booth they would be Pi**ed. We would have to put up with the Monster Raving Looney Party for 5 years, or worse the BNP.
I decided she was right and we continued our drive to work in silent reflection
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Gillespie wrote: most people in the UK drink about 10 pints of John Smiths at Sunday lunchtime!!!
What is John Smith?????
This message was last edited by Tish on 5/29/2007.
My post was "tongue in cheek" Gillespie!  i hope your palate is more refined these days!
who won the election ? was it good for spain? I watched on the tve but did not really recognise the politicians . Did a woman win?
_______________________ regards
Which party DID win the election in Spain. I've not seen anything in the media about the results. Whoever got in, are they likely to make a significant difference in curbing the corruption and getting the Courts/Judges to enforce the laws correctly.? I sooo hope so!
Justin, looks like Antonia Munoz of the IU party is going to be the next Mayor of Manilva. Is this good or bad?
_______________________ To Dare Is To Do
Justin I'm bumping this up as I am interested in your opinion. I have vested interest in who becomes the next mayor.
Justin, looks like Antonia Munoz of the IU party is going to be the next Mayor of Manilva. Is this good or bad?
_______________________ To Dare Is To Do
Alan, yes, what a shock result. No one I've spoken to was expecting Antonia to win!!
Having talked to several Spanish friends about her they haven't been overly happy with the result, a few have even said that her beliefs are very close to communism!
I don't actually know anything about her and during the election campaign she certainly didn't have as much publicity as the main PP and PSOE parties. So when I heard she'd won I went "who?".
But like anything, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm just glad Zotano is no longer mayor as he had no real interest in helping anyone but himself.
I'll make an appointment to meet with the new mayor hopefully in 3 - 4 weeks so I'll let you know how it goes.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
Many thanks Justin. I will eagerly look forward to hearing the results of your meeting.
_______________________ To Dare Is To Do
Well with the elections behind us now, I cannot believe that in our town of Cartama and Cartama Estacion they have voted back in the same Mayor, that is issuing demolition orders instead of finding a solution to the problem, as apparently there are 3,500 illegal builds here !!!! And of you do want a meeting with the Mayor about your Illegal build , he will not entertain you ,and there is a notice in the Town Hall to this effect. Does anybody have any written confirmation on just what the Mayors role is ?Do you have this problem in your village ?
It seems to me that there are hundreds of people out there in Spain that have problems with illegal builds, but either dont know what to do about it, or are too frightened to do something about it , we need websites like this to enable the people to get together. In Cartama we are aiming to set up a Group, to help each other try and overcome these difficulties, and I will today be tellin them about Eye on Spain. Well done eye on Spain.
i think although as you say there are hundreds of people who have problems with illegal builds, and many more hundreds who have huge delays, breached contracts etc, there are also many people who are happy with their situation who are trying to hush this up a bit and sometimes accuse those in dire straights or highlighting problems, of being doom merchants. I do have a degree of sympathy for these people, if you are trying to rent out or sell a property in southern Spain at the moment, or even just own property you like, the last thing you need is wave after wave of bad publicity about your area. The problem is i think, that attitude is bad for everyone in the long term as it plays in to the hands of the bad guys if many people are ' making the best' of a situation, completing where they shouldn't or ignoring other buyers who are having terrible problems getting justice. I really think the bad developers/lawyers/agents/mayors? depend on a very unfair justice system that gives people fear of losing everything, even when they are in the right, and not sticking together to complain on a mass scale, to be able to carry on their bad deeds without the punishment they deserve. I think getting big groups of people together who have been wronged to all pull in the same direction, is probably the only way to be heard. As i hope you know, there is already one site dedicated to just this cause, and sites such as this are fantastic in helping this come together. So good luck with your idea of a group. I hope that soon everyone who has been wronged or knows someone who has, will join a group fighting to change the system to a fair one. Surely it must benifit everyone and Spain itself in the long term?. Thanks again to Justin for playing a huge role in this.
Hola, I am one of those people who is happy with my own situation BUT that does not mean I would want any badness hushed up for ANY reason. I have PM ed a couple of people with severe problems offering my support.............whatever that may be.................even if it's just a friendly ear. I would be happy to help in any way with Justin's group or anything else.
There but for the Grace of God.......................................
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
thanks for your support and understanding, and well done for your offer of help, that's great to hear.