Corruption matters

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14 Jun 2011 12:00 AM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar
"Within the European Union, Bulgaria, Greece and Romania are the three countries where corruption is perceived to be higher. In Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland, the perceived level of public corruption is the lowest. Spain ranks number 32 in the worldwide list, after such countries as Israel, Cyprus or Chile, and number 18 within the list of the 30 EU countries. "
And this little thought-provoking item
"Last 9 December, on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day, the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia published the survey Corruption in Catalonia: civic perceptions and attitudes. This is the first time that such a thorough survey is ever presented in this country and results are quite interesting.
One of the most astonishing results in this survey is that Catalan citizens are very intransigent with political corruption, but they are rather permissive with business corruption and little everyday corrupt behaviours. For instance, 85% of those polled consider that corruption is more or quite spread in political parties and 21.7% states that the main motivation to become a politician is personal enrichment, whereas only 57% of polled citizens think that trips paid by pharmaceutical laboratories to doctors of the public health systems are to be considered corrupt behaviour.
In this line, 59.4% believe that in cases of corruption between public administrations and private companies, the main responsible is the administration.
Moreover, and much to our regret, citizens consider that fighting for transparency is pointless: 44% believe that corruption is unavoidable and 74% think that we all have a price. Do we? "

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16 Jun 2011 1:45 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

I would be interested to know how they capture this statistical evidence.... what is it based upon I wonder? I noted the following

"Every year Transparency International a Berlin-based NGO devoted to fighting political corruption and spreading information about it, draws a corruption perception index showing the corruption level perceived by businessmen and political analysts in their own countries. "


OK, what if the perception within a specific country perpetuates falsehoods, self interest. denials, cover-ups etc, then how do you know that this "evidence" is reliable? It might well be in their business or political interests to keep this perception hidden, in which case these statistics from this organisation become meaningless! Difficult this. Why not ask the citizens, and then the numbers suffering at the hands of corrupt practice, the lack of accountability within the Banking sectors, the lack of consumer protection, the chaos that ensues from non regulation, etc can be truly identified?


The youth of today, the next generation who are going to suffer the consequences, are starting to express their concerns in this regard, but the generalised counter message goes out that they are “dreamers, or political extremists, or ignorant of the facts” etc. At what point does anyone listen to the underlying message that this corruption is doing great harm to the country let alone the citizens caught up in this? At what point do they draw upon the intellectual arguments and analysis concerning the crippling effects from corruption, and recognise with open mind, and by looking to other countries who have developed systems through fair regulation/controls, etc, that accountability and transparency is all in this scenario?


I would suggest the price for not striving for this is chaos and a downward spiral of more corruption and ensuing misery and hardship, as the realities of the knock on effects from corrupt practice, the demise of trust in the Government, the justice system, the real estate industry, the banking sector, etc, dawns on all those citizens who ironically are the majority. By becoming embroiled in this corruption, by turning a blind eye to the consequences, they themselves are failing the next generation, let alone solving the existing problems that ensue as a direct consequence.


One thing for sure, it is essential to counter the sense of pointlessness, resignation, the feeling that the problem is too great to overcome, by all effective means at citizens disposal if they are ever to establish a civilised independent system of justice that lies at the heart of this problem, a system that protects citizens and effectively challenges those who fall foul of the law by making them accountable.


In the case of Spain, this lack of justice is being tackled by organised, effective and trustworthy evidence gathering, such as the petitions that are emerging. Citizens have not only to believe in these mechanisms, but also be active in providing the factual evidence, and where necessary there has to be some form of outside effective EU intervention, if the justice system continues to fail.


A fair workable independent system of justice is the basis upon which we retain a civilised society, isn’t it? Without this in place corruption will thrive, and with it will come lack of trust and faith in the country, which is exactly the scenario we are witnessing sadly right now.


It's essential that all those affected need to provide evidence.

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16 Jun 2011 2:59 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

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"They (TI) bring together relevant players from government, civil society, business and the media to promote transparency in elections, in public administration, in procurement and in business. TI’s global network of chapters and contacts also use advocacy campaigns to lobby governments to implement anti-corruption reforms.

Politically non-partisan, TI does not undertake investigations of alleged corruption or expose individual cases, but at times will work in coalition with organisations that do. "


I suppose it is better than nothing.



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