driving in spain

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03 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by slips Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

hi all. can anyone help.i am driving to spain(costa del sol) and will be there for 6 months.I have phoned 3 insurance companys all telling me differance storys the first one said i can insure my uk regersted car for 1 year only not 6 months and i need to sorn the car as it is out of the uk for more then 6 months.the second company said i do not have to sorn the car as i have uk road tax.(my road tax will run out when in spain) and that i can renew my road tax online with a certicate from them.the third company said i do not need uk road tax or mot.(my car is coming up to 3 years old) and that  i can get an itv in spain.

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03 Aug 2011 2:33 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Hi Slips.
You ( or now me ! ) are opening a hornets nest.  There are several views on this and all from experts (including paid professionals as well, as all of us here !!! )
The problem I believe comes down to interpretation of the law, in particular the phrase,  'the vehicle must be legal in UK for it to be used in Spain'
The question which then arises is,  whether that means having a valid Road Tax (Vehicle Excise Licence in UK).    My interpretation has always been (and support by various experts over my 23 years here, but not by all !)  that it means the vehicle must be roadworthy.   The Road Tax refers to a vehicle being used on a road maintained at public expense on UK,  thus as it is not in UK that cannot apply. Others will I know say I am wrong, as well I may be.
As for insurance. A UK registered vehicle can be insured in Spain just the same as in UK, 12 months, full comp etc. An MOT equally id not required in Spain, but if toy have an ITV (The Spanish equivalent to an MOT) then I am told by several insurance brokers that if you suffer a write off they will pay market value, without the cert., its trade value.
Of course if you register as living in Spain,  must be done after 3 months permanently here,  then you cannot drive a foreign registered vehicle. (Going to say Gibraltar for the day MAY be construed as leaving, in which case the three months would start again)  If you are not registered as living here, you or your family can drive a foreign registered vehicle for up to a total of 6 months in any 12 months
As for the SWORN. I would think the DVLA would be the best ones to advise you..



This message was last edited by johnzx on 03/08/2011.

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03 Aug 2011 3:53 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message


If you intend using your vehicle in Spain then it should be taxed in country in which it is registered and also have valid MOT/NCT from country in which it is registered.

Your should check with your existing insurer if they will cover you for 6 months abroad (some will only do 3). If they will not then you can insure in Spain. You would have to pay 12 months but in some cases if you have had no claims you can cancel and apply for a refund. Discuss with broker and read the SMALL PRINT!

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03 Aug 2011 4:04 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

Here is an e-mail received from the DVLA regarding sorn & the fact that the vehicle has to be taxed if it is remaining UK registered.


" Dear Mr López


Thank you for your email received on 17/2/11. Your email reference number is 562723.


The legislation governing vehicle excise and registration matters in the UK is covered by the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994 (VERA).

From January 2004 a system of Continuous Registration came into force in GB, where the registered keeper of a vehicle will remain financially liable and subject to prosecution if at any time the vehicle is untaxed or not made a SORN.

If a vehicle is being taken abroad temporarily and continues to remain within the GB registration system, it will be subject to having a valid tax disc throughout the time it is out of the country. A SORN should not be made if the vehicle is taken abroad as SORN is only valid if the vehicle is being kept off the public road in the UK. "


Under EU law a vehicle has to be legal in the country of registration. To be legal in the UK requires Tax, Mot & insurance. Therefore if you are driving in any other EU country the requirement is the same.

You can claim a refund on the tax disc at the end of the month before you go & renew from the following month. Or do it on line while you're away & get it sent over.

All these insurance companies will tell you there's no problem in the event of an accident but unles you have it in writing & record all phone calls making sure you have there names, etc ; it'll be worthless.



Todos somos Lorca.

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03 Aug 2011 4:06 PM by casalinda Star rating in Las Alpujarras. 54 posts Send private message

We were not able to get Spanish insurance for car or motorbikes until/unless we had all the other documents done here e.g. ITV and Road Tax.  This is why the Spanish police are really only interested in your Insurance docs if they stop you.  After 3 mths I renewed the car Insurance (Tesco) online, but by 6 mths had done all the necessary to insure it here with Linea Directa.  We have our Residencias too which helps.

I suggest that you do whatever is necessary to get Insurance for 6 mths before you set out.  Then you have peace of mind and the correct papers.  A road tax disc may not be so important.  But the police here are now well equipped to make spot fines and will do so if they can.  Always have your passport available though, as that might get you through a tricky situation and any outward/return ferry tickets etc. as proof of length of stay.

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03 Aug 2011 4:11 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

There are Spanish companies that quite happily insure UK reg vehicles.

Try Liberty Seguros. Any English type broker on the costa will be writing business for them

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03 Aug 2011 4:15 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Removed by Johnzx

This message was last edited by johnzx on 03/08/2011.

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03 Aug 2011 6:04 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

Another thing for you to bear in mind is that the uk have changed to a 'continuously insured' system recently . I.E. the vehicle has to be insured whether it's on the road & taxed or off the road & on a sorn. You cannot have an uninsured vehicle anymore even if it's parked off the road on your own land. This is the same as the spanish system & is why you will not be offered 6 month or less insurance here . It's not needed  as , legally , you cannot have an uninsured spanish vehicle.

Also bear in mind is that if you are only here for 6 months & the vehicle remains UK registered & liable , it will need to be on the MIB data-base as otherwise when you return they'll consider that you have had the vehicle uninsured if you insure outside of the country.

"Try Liberty Seguros. Any English type broker on the costa will be writing business for them "  If you used these as Faro suggested then you'll be on the UK database as they notify the DVLA every tuesday & friday of any UK registered vehicle that they insure.

Remember that with your existing UK insurance you would never be " uninsured " as it's not legally possible. If you took the vehicle out of the country or, used it out of the country past the limit of the Green card then the insurance will revert to ' road traffic acts only ' , & you 'll be covered for any damage , etc; caused but not for any damage to your own vehicle.


Todos somos Lorca.

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03 Aug 2011 8:18 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

We insured a UK registered car in Spain with Abbeygate, when it was brought back to the UK it was only covered for Third Party with that policy. DVLA recognised the insurance.



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04 Aug 2011 9:26 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Gus, re UK vehicle continuosly insured all the time.
From Gov UK Direct web page :-
How does this law affect a vehicle used only in the summer?
If you have a vehicle that is still taxed but not insured, you could face a penalty. This includes vintage and classic cars, motorbikes and motor homes – all vehicles that people sometimes leave uninsured for part of the year. If this applies to you, you need to return the tax disc on a V14 (including nil value discs) and declare SORN at the same time.
Thus if you return the Vehicle Excise Licence (Road tax) and do the SORN then you don't need insurance

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