The Comments |
Plus, someone has to 'keep the light shining at the end of the tunnel' for all you ex pats who, in your dotage, would like to return to the UK to be closer to your families
Yes! Agreed.
And Abb home is indeed where the heart is.
We see more of our familiess out here than ever in the UK
They love it so much we cant keep them away'
And more like a cesspit at the UK end of the tunnel.
Don't panic Jani2003, you're not missed over here in the pozo
love how it always turns into sniping
lets agree that some people like the uk and some people like spain or love to hate spain.
and thats sorted.
we can get back onto the subject of the UK Freedom Fighters
Sniping? Freedom Fighters! LOL.

Honestly, I think everyone has missed the point...
This kind of behaviour from the youth of today cannot, and will not be tolerated, in the UK, Spain or anywhere else in the world whereby freedoms are not curtailed!
What we are seeing in the UK right now is out and out wanton vandalism, thuggery at its worst!
It must be stopped!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
No, I am not missing the point (I rarely do!) LOL
"Have you seen the UK news"? (t says at top of thread.
I fully agree that vandalism and thuggery cannot and should not be tolerated from those who perpetrate it, whether young, old or middle-aged. The youth of today includes many many young people who are neither thugs nor vandals.
These T.V. pictures are going around the world 24/7, and one can only hope the authorities will get matters under control SOON!
thuggery my arse.
its just children playing and letting off steam.
I believe that it is a truism that even in UK August is often HOT and steamy. This makes people easily aggravated. Those who have seen their lives vandalised by the UK ConDemed "government" through various means (too many to enumerate here at this time of night) and whose opportunities are poor, will refuse to simply fall down in the gutter and perish at the behest of those with good jobs, good homes, plenty of food and possessions. When an event is perpetrated against "one of their own" - ie shot with no justification by a member of the uncontrolled police (contrary to police claims, it has been found that the gun in the car had not been fired, further the bullet lodged in the police equipment is of police issue) - such deprived persons will take whatever opportunity they can to respond in the most effective way they know. The wanton murder was the flashpoint. We have seen it before and we will see it again unless mindsets are changed on all sides.
Yes it is deplorable. No we don't want it to happen. Then let the "powers that be" make real efforts to alleviate the pains being suffered by the "subclass" ,as the Telegraph and other RWP would describe them, and let thought be given to how the "decent people" might be relieved from such dire events. The way things are going, ceratinly in the UK and elsewhere too, the "subclass" will grow but the rich and powerful will not listen. Beware!
Yeah, I saw that about the teaching assistant! I hope he has been fired from his job, kids can really do without that sort of role model.
As always in life though, it's always the few that ruin it for the majority. I sincerely hope that justice is served for all the criminal acts that have gone on. There really is no need for it. If they want to ruin their own lives then go ahead, but ruining those of other people for no reason whatsoever, well, that's just not acceptable in a modern society.
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I have a Niece and Nephew in the Met! My Nephew was called in to work with the riot squad did a 24 hour shift went home for some sleep, three hours later was called back again and did another 24 hour shift. How ridiculous is that!! They are only 24 and 26.
My niece did a 24 hour shift as well it is so worrying.
Just hope it is calming down a bit now.
I agree entirely with what you say, Justin.
"If they want to ruin their own lives then go ahead, but ruining those of other people for no reason whatsoever, well, that's just not acceptable in a modern society."
Pat and Roy:
I hope your young relatives are safe and well.
The police have a very difficult job, and are damned if they do and damned if they don't!!
That pretty well sums it up - although I suggest few people would damn them if they take assertive measures !
"The police have a very difficult job, and are damned if they do and damned if they don't!!"