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31 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by gwm Star rating in Pizarra. 139 posts Send private message

How can a pensioner sign this to obtain medical cover when they are staying with friends, so no escritura, no rental contract  or utility bill to show.

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01 Sep 2011 12:44 AM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar


Hi Gwm

Well they can't sign on the padron in the circumstances you discribe

Have a good look around ukinspain you may find a solution





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01 Sep 2011 10:51 AM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar


This message was last edited by foxbat on 01/09/2011.

This message was last edited by foxbat on 01/09/2011.




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01 Sep 2011 12:04 PM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 posts Send private message

Here is the script of one of the links provided by foxbat......

The NHS is a residence-based healthcare system. Therefore, once you have moved permanently away from the UK you are no longer entitled to medical treatment under normal NHS rules.

You must notify your former GP so that you and your family can be removed from the NHS register.

You will also no longer be entitled to use your UK-issued European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to access healthcare abroad.

Giving advice to the contrary is fraught with danger and could be an expensive mistake when the authorities establish facts in cases like the one outlined by foxbat......

If you are a visitor an EHIC card works perfectly, one of my neighbours who visits twice a year and spent 4 weeks of one visit in hospital is testament to that, If you have moved here you should either have private health care OR be registered with the Spanish system AND deregistered from the UK system.

Why would you not do that and have peace of mind and health care security?




This message was last edited by Fighter2 on 01/09/2011.

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01 Sep 2011 12:44 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Fighter 2...

Not that its any of your business , but my wife normally spends as much time in the UK as she does out here and is, according to Newcastle, fully entitled to NHS care whilst over there and to use her EHIC when she is in Spain.

How we choose to live our lives is none of your concern.

I, for one, am getting extremely tired of the aggressive nature of replies on this forum.

quote from OP

when they are staying with friends,

...suggests to me that they are on holiday. Prolonged  holiday or not an EHIC card is the answer in their case.

Thats it, I'm outta here permanently.





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01 Sep 2011 12:57 PM by gwm Star rating in Pizarra. 139 posts Send private message

Yes, the EHIC card is fine, but it's only for emergency treatment, ongoing treatment may not be covered. They are living here almost full time but do not intend to buy or rent, as they are in the position that they are using an empty family's apartment. Maybe the way to go is do a rental contract, even though they do not need to pay rent.

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01 Sep 2011 1:57 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


I had a Spanish friend staying in my house for several months. She did not pay rent nor any of the bills but we went to town hall and she registered on the padron because she LIVED IN THE MUNICIPALITY..
IF one is living in a municipality for 3 months permanently then (as an EU citizen) they must register on the foreigners register (IF non EU then apply for a Residencia)   Thus they prove they are living in Spain.


Registering on the Padron


What is the padrón?

  • Padrón - a list of all the people who live in a certain town
  • Empadronarse - the act of registering yourself on this list with your local town hall.  

Who should register?

It is obligatory by Spanish law to register on the padrón at the Town Hall where you habitually reside, yet many British ex-pats still have not done so. Perhaps some view the padrón as a means of vigilance by the state, in ‘big-brother’ fashion. However, in reality, it is simply a way for the town hall to know how many people live in their area, without entering into investigations as to a person’s official residence status or financial affairs.

How do I register?

You don’t have to own your house to register, just have an address where you habitually live, no matter whether you are the owner, you rent, or live with family or friends. Nor is registration a long drawn out registration process. Simply go to the padrón office of your town hall and fill in the form they provide. Take along official identification, such as a passport, and also your NIE or residence certificate/card, a recent utility bill in your name, and the deeds to your house or a copy of your rental contract. Although you may have to return to collect your certificate, the actual registration is completed all on the same day.



This message was last edited by johnzx on 01/09/2011.

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01 Sep 2011 2:27 PM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 posts Send private message


My post was anything but agressive, it merely sought to give sound advice to the innocent couple that sought sound advice, yours certainly did not do that... I used a link from your own post to highlite that fact, I guess your decision to remove of that advice speaks volumes although not too sure how that was achieved as the time limit to complete an edit had passed.

It is certainly not my desire for contributors to leave these forums but they are for us to debate and discuss many and various subjects including providing counter options for innocent people looking for advice.

I neither have any desire to intefere nor have any knowledge of the way you conduct your lives other than you feel free to lay berore us in these forums.... but if that's the way you feel goodbye.

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01 Sep 2011 2:30 PM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 posts Send private message

Something very odd happening on this thread, now the original message that started the thread has been removed.

To the administrator: Better to remove the whole thread than tinker in such an odd and unusual way.

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