Hello to everybody around here !!!
I have been away from the forum for some time as I am tacking against winds from the bow, but I think the e-mail I just received from diario SUR regarding the "infamous" Marbella´s PGOU ( Urban Plan) deserved to start a new thread..... It is a proposal from the Andalucian "Junta" ( I am sorry but it makes me remember of the "Military Juntas" that ravaged my country on the second half of the 70´s....and early 80´s...). That has to be approved by the Ayto of Marbella.... which is managed by a "Gestora" now....

( Aw my Gawd.......).
I am going to do a condensed version of the info as it was in the paper and I am sure there will be more to come in the coming SUR in English ( quite difficult to find nowadays.....)
Anyway: http://www.diariosur.es/20070601/malaga/pgou-elaborado-junta-para_200706011308.html
- The new plan, will make legal 18,000 thousand homes, leaving as "ilegal" 752 ( half of them occupied now) ....and two hotels.....
- It "leaves way" for some new 27,000 new homes as there is a predicted increase on population of approximatelly 27% in the next 2 years.... leaving 60 sqm of free space for each inhabitant..... that is suppossed to put Marbella at the same level as LONDON.....( that´s what the Junta says....
- With regards to the "752" + 2 Hotels......., they say that those are built in "strategic locations" originally and can NOT be made legal..... so the question should be resolved by the courts of law.... Once again "Aw my Gawd"!
- The resposible for "Pubilc works" has said that those 18,000 homes (out of 30,000) have been "legalized" via a "compensation system" that "recovered" from the developers some 1,8 million sqm for the city and they say that that was what has been "stolen" from the city and that those lands are to be used for green areas and some equipment, services, etc....
- 11.368 of the 30,000 homes have not been built yet so those lands have been part of the negotiation with the developers. The rest to compete the 30,000 have not been built yet.
- Global investment ( I do not now which) is going to be 2,250 million Euros. 65% of this seems to be private investment and they foresee the generation of 60,000 jobs.... ( this is a bit unclear from my point of view)
- The new PGOU promises 3,8 million sqm for free spaces and 3,2 million sqm for equipments.
- It also says that the total Urban land for the next eight years are going to be established on 15,8 million sqm.
- 4,742 Hectares of "protected spaces" and proposses the creation of 3,800 new hotel beds the expansion of Puerto Banus and the posibility to create a new sports harbor in San Pedro de Alcantara.
- It also speaks of the creation of railways, bike roads, space for technological development and the University and convention centers.
-With regards to new construction, there will be 18.407 new built in the next 8 years and 10,000 of those will be "low price" or "affordable" homes....
That has been all for today my dear fellow "forumers", I hope I can participate a bit more in between "tacks" agaisnt the winds...... I am happy to tell you that I have made a tremedous "helm" change in my career being now in the telecominications business............. so if someone is looking forward to DRASTICALLY reduce your overseas comunication costs with a system that works fantastically welll...... I am "all ears" !!!

Anyone running and operating a call center should contact me !!! I can offer the best low price telecoms and a foolproof reliability.... also if you call a lot overseas.
My best regards to all in the forum and I lok forward to another "meet up" !!!!! I am starting to misss the Crocodiles, the Rixxiies, Justin, Miket, etc...... not to say Roberto !