DFS great service

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07 Dec 2011 11:19 PM by camille Star rating in West Yorkshire & Her.... 121 posts Send private message

camille´s avatar

Wooooohh why the attack on me Pam?

Just popped into this thread after reading a PM left by PaulDFS (won't go into that message!) Rereading my comment I fail to see a problem with my comment. It isn't slagging the company off in anyway. I work in customer service & know things do go wrong & it's the way they are handled that makes or breaks a company. DFS have clearly resolved the problems they have had (except 1 that is still ongoing) so that has to be reassuring doesn't it?

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09 Dec 2011 10:38 AM by Paul DFS Star rating in Murcia. 32 posts Send private message

There are always 2 ways to look at everything which is a shame. I would just like to take this opportunity to wish EVERYONE on the forum and indeed in Spain and UK a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.     By the way, its 20- degrees during the day here!!!  :)))  Paul.  

P.S If anyone is passing the shop with an open tin of Quality Street in the boot, dont forget to pop in. You dont get a physique like mine without eating... Merry Xmas.

DFS Spain. San Javier. est 2003. www.dfsspain.com/offers

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09 Dec 2011 10:52 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

Hi Paul and evverybody down at the new store and a very Merry Christmas and I hope a prosperous New Year

I have kept away from the thread but just putting in my 2 pence worth, as you know I have had lots of clients independantly buy their furniture form DFS and we end up c hecking the installations and, where there have been problems, they have ALWAYS been resolved

In a very touch year with much fewer completions, unike a large number of local organisations including Inside Right, Murcia Furniture, Bob The Bed, and Je Ne Sais Quoi DFS are still there tradingso they must be doing something right.

It is worth a trip down to the store to actually visit the great  new cycle shop that has openned next door to DFS and sorry Paul prefer Celebrations to Qualty Street




Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant www.sonrisaproperties.com www.snaggingspain.com WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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09 Dec 2011 11:13 AM by Paul DFS Star rating in Murcia. 32 posts Send private message

OK lets put it to the vote

Quality Street



Miniature Heroes

Mine is the last one, but its harder to Spell

DFS Spain. San Javier. est 2003. www.dfsspain.com/offers

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09 Dec 2011 1:29 PM by Forhotspot Star rating. 233 posts Send private message

 Merry Christmas & a Very Happy & Prosperous New Year to everyone at DFS. Thanks for all your help Paul.



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09 Dec 2011 6:48 PM by tony&kim Star rating in Crosby, Merseyside a.... 68 posts Send private message


I must say had to smile at a very  recent posting on this thread that contained at least two, if not three, somewhat back-handed compliments to DFS.

All l can add to this subject is to say that in my own experience of buying a property and furnishing it, your company DFS provided by far the most professional service of any of the firms we engaged, and l include the lawyers in that. You were helpful in choosing the right furniture, the pricing was exceptional, delivery absolutely as promised, and the after-sales service spot-on. 

What has almost been as impressive is the way you have conducted yourself when facing the criticism that has been posted here. Everyone, and l mean everyone, makes mistakes from time-to-time, but it is the way you deal with that criticism that matters.

Some businesses refuse to return calls, hide behind their lawyers and basically just ignore clients who have paid them hard-earned money. l have experienced this first-hand with other Spanish-based businesses. DFS are definitely not one of them.  

We will be back again next year - when Ryanair decide to start booking flights from Liverpool, that is - and l look forward to popping in again to see what you have on offer. And it won't be to visit the cycle shop!!

Have a great Festive Season. Feliz Navidad!!!


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09 Dec 2011 7:57 PM by Acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I vote for "Minature Heroes" which has absolutely nothing to do with DFS (we used Inside Right who I wouldn't recommend to anyone).

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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