The Comments |
It seems** EDITED - Against forum rules ** has now lost my email address and telephone number since he has been paid.
Thanks for the heads up guys about this company.
Lets hope this thread saves some other poor s*ds from getting stitched up!
Great guy, fantastic service, no problems here
Shiny happy people - where?
Hi Everyone
It appears that this Company have now registered under a new name as of 06th June 2013 - now operating as MOVEACAREUROPE rather than Euro Car Transporter - IF you have had issues please be aware that these are the same people.
Be careful and ensure you are informed BEFORE trusting someone with your vehicles and hard earnt money - there is no smoke without fire.
I wish I had researched a bit more carefully before going ahead as I am still discussing the damages to 1 of my cars - which to ** EDITED - Against forum rules ** is insignificant - but to me is relevant. We are now nearly 2 months down the line and still nothing.
I am following the legal route now even though liability for some of the damage was admitted by Euro Car Transporter - so time will tell - BE WARNED and take care when carrying out any business transactions with this very unscrupulous character. :(
Hi everyone that has had problems and been stitched up by this Ian , I have been done by him too and I would to tell mr. Psyche not to reply on his behalf, if Ian is man enough let him answer himself . This Ian is a con an and cannot be allowed to get away with this. He knows well enough that the law can't do anything to him so he continues to con us law abiding people. I have had enough with this guy and I am asking all of you out there to join up with me and get our revenge against him. Please let me know and we will stop this bast..d ripping people off
Hello Guys
I have been reading your messages and some have a gripe against these guys but to be honest we had no problems
with the service
Thanks would use again
Hi Wedgy Count yourself lucky that this time this guy has offered u a good service. You say that you would use him again my advise to you is that you will run the risk of been done and end up like most of us here!! Good luck m8
** EDITED - Against forum rules **
I recently arranged for ** EDITED - Against forum rules ** to collect my car in spain to deliver back to the UK. The car as now been missing for 1 month and the guy just makes excuses after excuses, Purfleet police are now dealing with the theft.After alot of research i have found that ** EDITED - Against forum rules ** owes alot of debt and subcontracts all his work out so he doesnt even own any car transporter. All you will get after he has taken your car is his answerphone and continual texts of bluffs and lies. They changed their name from Euro Car Transporter to Move A Car Europe on June 2013, apparently he does this alot.
I have also spoken to ** EDITED - Against forum rules ** of Fleetservices who used to work for him, who told me how he operates and all the bluffs he tells you.
Stay well clear, and dont get stung like us!
It is obvious that not only have they changed the company name but the ** EDITED - Against forum rules **How can this man continue trading and is allowed to get away with it!! We need too take revenge with this man and its better we we do it as a group of people. I am still asking for people to join me.
Could you all get false e-mail address's, everyone then book your cars in for the trip back to England, same day perhaps, same week perhaps, false number plate numbers, false home / address's and names, don't argue about the costs or conditions, because.....None of you are going to turn up.
Have some business cards made up, his phone number, his address, offering his discreet "Special Services" to "Delight You" in 101 ways, leave them everywhere you go.
Don't get mad......Get even.
** EDITED - Removed at Poster's request **
This message was last edited by poulton on 17/09/2013.
This message was last edited by poulton on 17/09/2013.
Dear Poulton Please contact me when u are in Spain and I will go with u to the police !
Will do I presume I have to be in Spain to do the denouncer
** EDITED - Against forum rules **
Strange that just after I posted** EDITED - Against forum rules **has asked me to remove this post
Good on you, can you feel another name change coming on.
Please be aware never to use** EDITED - Against forum rules ** 550 pounds and he has taken our money over 1 month ago and we still have not got our car.We are old aged pesnioners and I am disabled but he does not care he has no shame.
Just had a look at this site you are all mentioning.
Did you know that if you start with the home page and then single click on the picture of the YELLOW TRANSPORTER, scroll down and you can leave a comment about this company, someone already has.
** EDITED - Against forum rules **
** EDITED - At Poster's Request **
This message was last edited by poulton on 24/09/2013.
This message was last edited by poulton on 24/09/2013.
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 11/29/2013 8:43:00 AM.
Regulation (EC) No 861/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 establishing a European small claims procedure.
The European Small Claims Procedure established by this Regulation is intended to improve access to justice by simplifying cross-border small claims litigation in civil and commercial matters and reducing costs. "Small claims" are cases concerning sums under EUR 2 000, excluding interest, expenses and disbursements (at the time when the claim form is received by the competent court). Judgments delivered under this procedure are recognised and enforceable in the other Member States without the need for a declaration of enforceability. The procedure is optional, offered as an alternative to the possibilities existing under the national laws of the Member States. It will be applicable from 1 January 2009 in all EU Member States except Denmark.
The European Small Claims Procedure, for which no lawyer is necessary, follows a series of steps:
Filing the claim. To file a claim for a sum less than EUR 2 000, the claimant fills in a standard claim form (Form A, provided in Annex I to the Regulation), giving details of the claim, the sum demanded, etc., and lodges it with the competent court by any means of communication acceptable to the Member State in which the action is taken. If the claim is outside the scope of the Regulation (see below), the court will notify the claimant to that effect; if the claim is not withdrawn, the court will proceed with it in accordance with the relevant applicable procedural law in that Member State.
Correcting and/or completing the claim form. If the claimant has not provided enough information, the court will send him a Form B (Annex II) asking for the missing information. The claim will be rejected if the claimant fails to complete or correct the claim in the time specified, or if it is manifestly unfounded or inadmissible.
Notifying the defendant. Once the court has received the properly filled in claim form, it prepares a standard answer form (Form C, Annex III). This, together with a copy of the claim and, where applicable, the supporting documents, is served on the defendant by post with dated acknowledgement of receipt within 14 days.
The defendant replies within 30 days. The defendant then has 30 days to prepare and return his response, counting from the date of service of the answer form.
** EDITED - At poster's request**