Non resident tax form certificate charges at Sol Bank

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02 Feb 2012 12:00 AM by gizmopussycat Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

To all my friends in Spain......or rather those who have Spanish bank accounts. Have you been charged for a Certificate of non-residency every two years by your bank? My previous bank account over there (held for about 8 years) has never charged me. I have just recently opened one with Sol Bank for my imminent tax rebate to be paid into (The 3% witheld after house sale......Hahahahaha, not holding my breath...still not received the money from one we sold in 2003!!!). They have charged me 140 Euros for 3 certificates ( 3 people named on the account) so I am now overdrawn by the same. I'm loath to pay this money as I doubt we will ever get our rebate.

I now live in UK and have never been a full time resident of Spain.


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02 Feb 2012 6:40 PM by ruth1 Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

We were charged last May for a Non Resident Certificate by Cajasol.  I think it was about 23euros each.  Have been trying without success since then, to find out if this will happen every year.  So any further info. would be good to know, such as if it is yearly or two yearly?

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02 Feb 2012 7:55 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 The certificate of non-residency should be completed every two years.  The bank will make a charge, per person, for the completion and presentation of this certificate.  €23 per person on the bank account sounds about right although the charge seems to vary from bank to bank.  

So, in answer to question one, you should have received a letter saying they were completing this certificate and what the charge should be.

In answer to question two, every 2 years not every year.


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02 Feb 2012 8:59 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

La Caixa charge us 25 euros each, it just shows up on the bank statement,



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