Spain's Rip-Off Dentists!

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17 Feb 2012 12:00 AM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

I was quoted €500 for a root removal and crown in a small Spanish town. I shall get it done in Latvia when visiting as most Latvians do. The fees there are about 1/3rd of Spanish dentists fees yet the cost of living is similar. A good friend of mine who lives in Fuengirola went to India for implants. He had a number done for less than the price of one in Spain, plus a good holiday. That was 7 years ago; perfectly satisfactory.

It is price fixing and of course taking advantage of a largely captive customer base. I think it immoral but there you go. Fortunately for some we can ‘shop’ elsewhere. – Michael.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details

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17 Feb 2012 12:56 AM by maddiemack Star rating in Grantham, Lincolnshi.... 194 posts Send private message

Unfortunately, alot of the clients for Spanish dentists in 'holiday' areas are us Brits and the cost of cosmetic dentistry is even more expensive in the UK.  I had two implants done in Cuidad Quesada last year, getting the most expensive (ceramic) ones, and they cost me 1300 euros each.  My dentist back here in the UK says they show fantastic workmanship and the price in the UK now is around £3000 each!  However, my brother travels to Poland every six months to his dentist (my lucky brother has friends there whom he can stay with) and his dentist is brilliant...with prices so much lower than here in the UK that it's cheaper even with the flights added to the cost of the work he's had done!  Rip off UK I'd say...


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17 Feb 2012 3:22 AM by Star rating. 97 posts Send private message

 I too find that dental care here in Spain is expensive, but I like to think you get what you pay for. I paid cheap for some fillings and they all fell out. After that paid double and they are still all in after 5 years... 

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17 Feb 2012 2:48 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Different countries have different charges for different things,  and different dentists in the same country do too, just like any other service.  That one is more expensive does not mean it is a rip off. If you pay more than the going rate, it’s you who made the choice.

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17 Feb 2012 3:40 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

I found UK dentists expensive and not having had to have any major work done whilst in Spain I can't compare costs.  I hope I haven't spoken too soon now

BUT, my main gripe is with the fact that they tend to want to do a lot of stuff to very young kids, when it's normally not necessary or way too early to do it.

When our kids were 6, two Spanish dentists both told us that our kis would need (very) expensive treatment to straighten all their teeth, even though new teeth were still growing.

We didn't listen to them at the time and left things as they were.

3 years later, as guessed right, their teeth corrected themselves and we didn't just save thousands of euros, but also our kids didn't need to endure uncomfortable treatment, braces, etc, for two years.

I don't mind paying for expensive treatment, but I do mind paying for unecessary expensive treatment!



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17 Feb 2012 3:56 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

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I empathise with Justin. It is in the dentist’s own interests to create work. My ex-wife Ann had the most beautiful teeth; no trouble. But, she was the type who placed importance on regular visits. Oh my heart went out to her; one treatment after another, all distressing and I honestly believe he was practicing on her.

I was told by another dentist a tooth of mine had to come out. I decided to hang on in there. I still have it ten years later.
I am sorry but in my long experience, whist there are conscientious dentists, there are as many rogues in that field as there is in the legal practices.
What they can’t explain to me is why some countries with similar costs charge so much less.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details

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17 Feb 2012 5:03 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message

Just a  word of caution to those travelling for treatment. If it works to the good that is just fine but what happens when you return home and have a problem.

My wife, who practiced as a reconstruction surgeon for all her working life in the UK and Spain, had many patients who had had work done overseas and had problems which had to be fixed locally, usually at a high cost.

Good luck to all who have been successful in having lower cost treatment, but beware surgery and dental work can go wrong and just you might need a local to take care of the problem.





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17 Feb 2012 6:53 PM by Star rating. 97 posts Send private message

 I dont know if Id feel safe in Latvia or Poland having serious mouth work done.... What about the language?

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17 Feb 2012 7:19 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I've found Spanish dentists excellent.  They have a different perspective and don't give you an injective as a matter of course as they do in the UK.

The heading of this thread is innappropriate - why is everything which costs money automatically labelled as "rip-off" these days ?A rip-off is something that is surprisingly and unfairly expensive - if you are told the price in advance how can it be a "rip-off".   The Sun has got a lot to answer for.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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17 Feb 2012 7:48 PM by Jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

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Its a ripoff when you know having been given the price, that the work of the same standard can be done elsewhere for much less.  Many businesses do it knowing that they have a "captive audience"  Having said that, if you agree for the work to go ahead you can hardly claim things to be a ripoff - unless you are absoloutely desperate.  A prime example of this are those that go to unscrupulous money lenders knowing that they are going to have to pay back monies borrowed at exorbitant rates.


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17 Feb 2012 9:07 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Hi Jimbofinn,

I disagree.

To be a real "rip-off" there has to have an element of surprise verging on fraud - how can you claim to be "ripped off" if you knowingly agree to a deal which is completed as agreed. 

There is always going to be a better price somewhere, but to my way of thinking saying that a "rip-off" exists just because it's allegedly cheaper in Latvia is nonsensical. 

Besides all that I've found the two Spanish dentists I've visited to be highly professional and a more pleasant experience and cheaper than their English counterparts.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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17 Feb 2012 9:53 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

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These things always lose their track. It is a rip-off because if you are confined to a region or country; or service provider, which many are, the client has no choice. Pay up or go without. It is what is called a captive audience; every businessman, others too, know that much.

There is such a thing as a price cartel; unspoken agreement in trades not to compete on price - too much. I thought that was common knowledge too; it affects many trades; the fuel and banking industries for instance. That constitutes a rip-off; it is what governments call it.
To presume Latvian, Baltic or Polish dentists are inferior is ludicrous and shows a level of ignorance. They speak better English than many native born Britons. Those clients in a position to pay for the best, such as wealthy Russians and others who can go anywhere including the U.S. prefer them.
Those dentists are highly trained, to international standards... and their surgeries are light years ahead of two I saw in a Spanish town. Indeed theirs are far more modern than was my wonderful dentist, Geoff Samson in Liverpool.
All I wanted to know is why is it that in Latvia, where the cost of living is similar to Spain’s (but economy in far better shape) are dental charges about one-third of what they are in Spain... or the UK. Could it be the reasons I have outlined that suggest why so many (like me) holiday there and take the opportunity to grab a bonus? The Scandinavians pour into Latvia for its superior health service.
If you’re happy with Spanish dentists and their prices then fine; I don’t have a problem with it. Enjoy.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details

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18 Feb 2012 12:31 AM by angela59 Star rating in Ireland. 58 posts Send private message

Hi Mike_Walsh,

I have to disagree, compared to Ireland, we find that a private clinic in La Zenia is much much cheaper.  Example, my husband was quoted E500 to have two wisdom teeth removed in Ireland.  We paid E70 for having one removed - the other did not need to be removed on second opinion.  In Ireland my hygenist charges E80 for 15 minute clean, while I get 45 min clean and consulation for E65 and much better job done also in Spain.  My 12 year old has a complication with teeth in the sense he had to have back baby teeth removed to let teeth which were growing latterally in the gum to come down because I wasn't in Spain and won't be for a while I had to fork out E340 for 3 teeth to be removed and a E70 for consultation prior to this.  I don't know how you come to your conclusion that Spain is a rip off - my experience was the complete opposite.




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18 Feb 2012 1:53 AM by ojosazul88 Star rating. 171 posts Send private message

Yes, and may you purchase a one way ticket to Latvia. You seem to be in complete denial or ignorance. Latvia has suffered terribly in the last few years and although their economy has recovered , its not all the rosy picture you paint. Dentists here in Spain are not all Spanish in any case. My experience of a German dentist here was exceptional, far better than dentists i had seen in London and the cost of a bridge and other dentistry was far lower than i know is quoted in UK. Your negativity and moaning will not be missed. 

Spain like any country is not utopia but for sure i will take the great outdoor life and weather here any day compared to Latvia.



This message was last edited by ojosazul88 on 18/02/2012.

This message was last edited by ojosazul88 on 18/02/2012.

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18 Feb 2012 3:30 AM by ojosazul88 Star rating. 171 posts Send private message

 Quite ironic too that the original poster signs off as a "professional writer" yet creates such a sensational "gutter press" headline.

Sweeping baseless statements have no place here or in Latvia, how he knows all dentists in Latvia beats me


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18 Feb 2012 3:30 AM by ojosazul88 Star rating. 171 posts Send private message




This message was last edited by ojosazul88 on 18/02/2012.

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18 Feb 2012 9:01 AM by MaidMarian Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

 I had three porcelain veneers done in Torrevieja by a young Spanish female dentist last November and am very happy with the result.  It cost me 839 euros for the three of them.

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18 Feb 2012 12:13 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

A good spot Ojosazul88 - I hadn't realised that mike_walsh is a professional writer, that explains a lot.  As such he know doubt believes he has a poetic licence for distortion and exaggeration, a wannabe Jeremy Clarkson.

Having said that I'm unsure that "Spain's Rip-Off Dentists" along with the virtues of Latvia for dental treatment has quite the same sensationalism and attention grabbing pull as "lorry drivers like murdering prostitutes" or "trade unionists should be lined up against the wall and shot"...but is clearly from the same mould and not to be taken too seriously.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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18 Feb 2012 1:04 PM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

I recall Eye on Spain being very civil and its forum posters respectful and well mannered to others, even when there were opposing views. It was a pleasure to debate in. There was little or nothing that could be judged offensive. They even stuck to the point; it was so mature and pleasing. What happened? It has gone the same way as many others. As a consequence those are now in the control of a tiny unrepresentative clique; about .5% of the total registered. Enjoy yourselves: I will leave you to it.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details

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18 Feb 2012 1:56 PM by jeffsears Star rating. 36 posts Send private message

 Hi Mike,

Its good to see that so many readers miss the point. There have been many official government reports about the poor standard of education in the UK and many of the replies seem to support this.

My experience of dentists in Spain is also one of a rip-off mentality when it comes to treating non-spanish speakers but two tier price levels exist in most businesses with the exception of supermarkets where the price you see is the price you pay.

I went to a dentist with  toothache and was told I needed implants, root canal and fillings. A quote of over €2000 was given. I won't mention their name but their initials translate to a nasty sexual disease.

I had the problem tooth fixed in the UK for £85.00. That was over a year ago and I have not had any other problems since. 

Rip offs only happen to people who do not know what they should be paying. I always ask my spanish friends what things should cost and when the supplier applies the ex-pat addition I am able to put them right.





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