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Hello everybody,
I'm new to this forum. I was wander if you could give me some suggestions?
I recently divorced, and becaouse of that I need to sell my propery in Lloret de Mar, neer Barcelona - Spain.
Can anybody give me some advice reference to the best way to sell my propery?
I will like to mention that the house is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom bungalow, with garden and swiming pool.
Thank you.
Sorry to hear of your divorce it must be a terrible time in your life, however selling your house in Spain it is a bad time you come under the distressed sale section, and that means you will get a bad price about 60% less than you paid for it, If I were you I would keep it and wait until things improve in about 4 Years, you need a place to live and the UK is not a great place with bad weather and to many people everywhere, hope I have been som help don't panic......
Hi ob123,
Thank you for your reply. I live in UK now. The problem is that I can't afford to run a house here and the one in Spain.
When you say 60% less then I paid, do you mean from the price before credit crunch? I have purchase the house in 2002.
Thank you.
The best thing to do is to speak to some agents. There are plenty who will give you a valuation. If you bought in 2002 you could be ok. Try to work out the price in 2007, and then half it. That will give you an appoximate potential value. Plus look at property for sale around, remembering that a lot of the prices will be fantasy prices. Good luck and what a shame. A three bed house is more sellable at the moment than the 2 bed 2 bath standard I suspect.
If you bought the house in 2002 you might get what you paid for it, you may be lucky but Spain is in a terrible way on the verge of a bailout from NAMA, I bought an Apartment in 2001 and I would get almost what I paid for it now, so let's hope you will eacape the way people and in negative equity, best of luck and hope you can live through this bad time, if my wife left me I would be in a terrible way I hope it never happens we are amrried with 31 Year and still love each other I think......
What a lovely post, ob123. You've made my Mothers Day. There aren't many guys that will openly admit how much they love and need their wives. She's a lucky lady!

I am delighted that you liked my post regarding the wife I meant what I said without her my life would be over, she loves Spain so we spend 6 Months here and 6 Months there, as I said the person in the thread who is trying to sell there property due to a break up in there marriage it made me feel for both of them, I wonder could ye try to patch up the problem give it another try and forget about the past, and live the dream in Spain......sorry for the lodgic but that's me, All the best and good luck.....