Yes I am a dog with a bone, when I need to be.
For the avoidance of doubt for everyone:
May 2009 - Our case was accepted in the Madrid Court 55 on grounds we had a case and then Millenium Insurance had to send our Bank Guarantee monies, plus interest to be with the court in readiness for the 1st Instance hearing.
12th Feb 2010 - We lost the first instance judgement and our monies was then sent back to Millenium Insurance!
Feb 2010 - After the 1st Instance decision went against us, an appeal process was started and announced before the Madrid 55 court.
May 2010 - The appeal was not approved due to a lack of 50 euro's fee? This was immediately claimed against...
July 2010 - The claim against rejection is rejected again on basis of the above fee missing and elapsed time since the initial appeal?
September 2010 - A claim before the appeal court, appealing the rejection of the right to appeal?
March 2011 - We won the right to appeal and there was 20 days window to present the arguments (This seems to be where the inaccurate notification to us by e-mail that we had won our case)! It would appear that we had just won the right to appeal, something that should have took place back in May 2010??
21st March 2011 - The argument document (10 Pages) mainly arround the lack of proof of the completion delay by Promaga, this was accepted by the courts.
25th April - The receipt of the above appeal document was received.
Between April and July 2011 I was requesting updates as I still thought i had won my case, but unknown to me, we had won the right to appeal due to the original confusion about the appeal fee and time delay?
July 2011 - We were notified of the mistake and we were devestatded with this news. From this point until now we had been trying to understand why this had all happened - This was my frustration and feel better information would have avoided this situation!!
March 2012 - We were advised we would not be getting an appeal hearing until 1st Qtr 2013 - This is what started my Thread in the vein that evryone has witnessed.
There were some small errors made on my case regarding the appeal process that have caused some of my delays and just wish this would have been advised to me in a clear manner, but instead it caused such distaste and uncertainty about where my case really was?
I now look forward to my appeal hearing on 20th June 2012....
Mark & Denise Barton