The Comments |
I understand a generalstrike is planned for the 29th. does anyone know the latest on this. I believe last years strikes wer averted and never took off in force.
any info on this would be appreciated as i fly to the UK on this date?????????????
still here after all these years!
georgia, hope you make it to the exhibition in the end 
I can't see how these strikes are going to help anyone. If anything, surely, they are just going to do more damage to an already fragile economy. The PP were voted in to fix Spain and that's what they are trying to do.
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If they make me miss this show after the money i have spent i will make it my lifes work to hunt down the man that made the decision to strike and make my feelings known!!
How are we supposed to boost the economy when they play silly games like this??!!
still here after all these years!
** EDITED - Spam ** This message was last edited by EOS Team on 24/03/2012.
As for the strike, it's always the same, a bunch of timewasters just getting a day off work joined by all the unemployed. It's just a day out for them all to have a good time. They don't give a toss about you or anybody else. Just themselves.
Lets all get back to the 3 day working week, with Edward Heath and Auther Scargill. That realy boosted the economy. Will lame brains never learn. They ought to drop the lot in Sudan with the starving and let them go on strike there.
So in other words, you don't work here, have no idea what the strike is about or the reasons various workers will be joining the strike, or why many members of the public will be supporting them. But as you don't like strikes from your experience in the UK, you will moan about them anyway.
This message was last edited by summer70 on 24/03/2012.
_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
**Edited-Spam ** This message was last edited by EOS Team on 24/03/2012.
But in fairness I struggle to think of a strike which ever achieved anything. Arthur Scargill achieved nothing, other than personally rising from obscurity to notoriety. A lot of strikes in that era were communist inspired and just gave the UK an appalling reputation that put off foreign investment and decimated our manufacturing industry.
I was never a fan of Maggie but she certainly helped put the Unions back in their place. But for her we would probably now all be taking in each others washing.
Do you reckon the strikers will achieve anything Summer 70 ?
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
from what i have seen a lot have been pushed ton the point that it is probably the only job they could find after the negativity of the last few governments startin with maggie
if you feel the need to strike just get another job
oh silly me the poles beat em to it!!
but i agree strikes dont seem to solve anything well maybe the odd job loss
which will probably prevent many from joining on the 29th
Whether they achieve anything or not (and that seems unlikely) we are in a situation with massive youth unemployment in Spain and I think that people are just showing that they are unhappy. At least I can understand it - unlike our lot in the UK going out on strike over PENSIONS - when they have the best in the country and will keep pretty good deals!!!!!
BEST COUNTY???????????
would i be right in assuming you mean the one with binge drinkin riots lousy weather and soon to be unaffordable drink petrol and roads
sounds like paradise lost
seems you might need eyglasses and a hearing aid
This message was last edited by stillgoin on 24/03/2012.
read it again - you need to take it slowly.
cant read it again as i am on strike
Couldn't agree with you more Bri regarding the strikes over pensions. It makes my blood boil. My mother worked for nearly 30 years for a local council in London. When she retired she got 18 pence a week for getting up at 5am every morning. She had been put onto the married womans stamp when she had me and my brothers but when she returned to work, they never put her back onto her normal contributions. She was paying more out in union subs. When she asked the union for help, did she get any. NO. They are cr*p. Too busy sorting themselves out with the best jobs etc. I saw the same thing when I worked in the post office for 12 years. I am a due a pension of £ 50 a week. Can I go on strike, NO. I am self employed. Next week my boys teacher is walking out on strike though. So I lose a days pay to look after him, even though it is me, the private sector that is paying for his gold plated pension etc. They seem to think they are untouchable while the rest of us pay for it. They forget when these original pension formulas were calculated, people were living on average to their mid to late 60's. It is now much higher, so where do they expect this extra cash to come from. The country will be bankrupt. Take a look at the pension calculator they have on and see if your blood doesn't start to boil when you see the pensions they will be getting, even after any new regulations come in. Far better than my £ 2,500 a year to live on. Not bad for a job where they teach for 189 days a year. What are they doing the other 176 days. I suppose they will tell you they are marking homework. Maybe they should get a calculator out and figure out where this extra cash to pay their gold plated pensions is going to come from.
Spain's social security system has a debt equal to 42,000 euros for every person (worker) contributing.
I know it is unlikely, but as I get my pension from UK, I dream that if Spain reverted to the peseta, it would be very low against the pound and thus my pension would be a lot better. That it turn, would mean I would spend more money (pesetas) in Spain and contribute to more jobs. Utopia !
I have just read La Verdad and the ABC Sunday newspapers and it's still looking like the maniacs will be going ahead with their ridiculous general strike on the 29th.
We Brits shouldn't complain though, we did it all way back when 1970s - 1980s, wasn't it? The Spanish are simply catching us up. (That's one way of looking at it)
We live near Cartagena and from time to time see big ships moored in our bay waiting for the latest stevedores' strike to finish. We remember it well from when we lived near Liverpool and Birkenhead when there seemed to be a strike every other day.
How to get your own way..... hold everyone else to ransom.
With 5 million unemployed the only power the unions have is in picking on the few lucky ones who actually have a job.
There's a wonderful photograph doing the rounds of these 2 Spanish union leaders sporting their Rolex watches.
Clearly a case of "I'm All Right, Jack"
_______________________ ColinReid
Your blood boils like mine Wesport.
And to be fair Colin, they probably bought the watches from a north African trader on the local market!!! Autentico? Si!!!!!!!!!
For me the difference is that as you get older you are more likely to question what you are told. Too many of these workers are too young, some too simple to realise that all they are largely wasting their time and just creating inconvenience for the innocent. But easily led by mouthy union hierarchy on an ego trip.
Sometimes they are just shooting themselves in the foot. The Spanish austerity measures will not change one iota after this strike - the disruption they cause and lost revenue will just add to the woes of the Spanish economy.
I'm not a socialist but I was very impressed that Ed Miliband spoke out about the futility of the public sector pensions strikes in UK last year. The Spanish need stronger leadership or they'll just make matters worse for themselves.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.