Annoying Green POPUP AD on EOS Website
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To the EOS Team
I do not know if any of the other Forum Users are getting this message.I am continually getting a Green Popup Ad with an arrow pointing to the Right saying "Stay up to date,Get our Weekly Digest" on the Home Page. I mention that I am not logged in at this stage.I only Login if I want to put a message on the Forum. I am using Google Chrome as my Browser.
Any help on this matter will be appreciated as I already subscribe to the Weekly Digest.
Many Thanks
Hi Nigel
It only appears for visitors who are not logged in.
We tucked it down on the bottom left, hopefully quite out of the way, but, as always, we are testing it at the moment and then we'll decide whether it needs to stay or go.
Just stayed logged in and you won't even know it's there 
EOS Team
Many Thanks,Justin.
I will remember to do this.A great Site for Visitors and Residents alike. Keep up the Good Work and all your efforts in continually improving this Website is really appreciated by us Forum Users.
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