The Politicians in a Panic
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Well, if that's Spain's thinking clarified, there isn't much hope, is there?

Good post Woodbug. The politicians may well panic as they are all in hoc to the unfettered free-market finance capitalist system. It doesn't matter any more which shade of government is in power, and I use the word 'power' very loosely because actually they are powerLESS.
There are solutions, of course, but whilst those in 'power' cling on to the worn out system, nothing will change.
Future historians will look on this period as a classic example of mass insanity because the people themselves allowed it to happen!
Oh Dear,
will I ever understand,???????
if lost job and no income is really just falling incomes,
then obviously black must really be white, mustn't it???????
as to rest of the "non-understandable", I can only wait for woodbug to explain it.
but will Spain's expected obvious salvation be quick??????
_______________________ N. Sands
Woodbug sait that polotics was the only profession where no qualifications were required. Read this (perloined off another forum) and weep!:
WHO IS THE ODD MAN OUT on this list
- and more importantly - WHY?
Lord Stevenson: FORMER chairman, HBOS
Sir Fred Goodwin: FORMER chief executive, RBS
Andy Hornby: FORMER chief executive, HBOS
Sir Tom McKillop: FORMER chairman, RBS
John McFall MP: FORMER chairman of Treasury Select Committee
Alastair Darling: FORMER Chancellor of the Exchequer
Gordon Brown: FORMER Prime Minister and former Chancellor of the Exchequer
Sir Terry Wogan: FORMER presenter of Radio 2's Breakfast Show.
IF you're thinking Sir Terry Wogan,
THEN you're right. However, the reason may surprise you...
Terry Wogan is the only one out of this motley crew who actually holds ANY formal banking qualification.
No wonder the Country & the Banks are in the State they are in !
I think we have seen this before,
but what about the two teenage multi-millionaires currently running things with current equally rich chancellor surely they are qualified????
in something???
has Terry even been offered the job?
back to Spain
what about Prospain he must be qualified in some "cutting edge" lark other than obscure "language"?????
and then there is our policeman who has not so secret yearnings to be a "born again" construction engineer????
the answer is out there somewhere!!!!!
Keep looking
_______________________ N. Sands
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