It's not nearly as simple as you may hope...Dont know where you are but in our area, Granada, you will need, in order,
1 A Licence of First Occupation; this is issued by your local Town Hall and is dependent upon the issue of a Certificate of Final Works from a qualified and certified Technical Architect declaring that any work carried out at the premises is in compliance with the original planning permission.
2 A 'Bolletin' signed off by a certified and qualified Electrical Engineer declaring that the electrical wiring is to the latest standard.
3 A contract with an Electricity Supplier like Endesa or Iberdrola.
The meter is supplied and fitted by the electricity supplier; in the case of Endesa, the engineer will not instal the meter without a copy of the Bolletin and the licence of First Occupation. Once installed a monthly charge is applied to your account for the rental of the meter.
I suspect the same is true for all regions and suppliers.
Edit by fb typo.
This message was last edited by foxbat on 24/09/2012.