Bancaja / Bankia has received + 20 billions € as a bail out to prevent them ""falling over"",and will need more most likely .
What strikes me as typical bank arrogance is ,when i applied for information for a mortgage at one of the local southern offices they just tell you ""sorry we do not supply any mortgages at all anymore to NON residents ""
the above ,without knowing anything about the actual request i had or my finacial situation ,just simply ,sorry NON residents go next door .
i tried to find at Bankia HQ a private customer service e mail to verify this ,tried as said ,they know to hide themselves very well :)
anybody any experiance with this at any Bankia offices ,i wonder is it just the action of a single office ,or Bankia company wide policy ?
i know there are many banks more to chose from ,but did somebody experiance this also at other banks already ? and which banks still appriciate a NON resident as a new clients ?