House improvement not quite right - What next?

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25 Oct 2012 10:22 AM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message



I've had work done on my flat. Much of it I was satisfied with but I've been trying to get them to come back to make some corrections. They have stopped communicating.

In the UK I would next threaten them with getting someone else to do the work and send them the bill. Usually works like a dream. I would do this, but am not sure of the legal ground here and in any case I would expect them to continue to ignore me.

What do I do in Spain?

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25 Oct 2012 1:57 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

In Spain one needs a license from the town hall to do practically any work, including painting the inside of your property.  However, some town hall are not as rigid as the law permits  In my case I re fitting the kitchen, new cupboards, tops etc. and it was except from the fee for a licence.

And, it is the owner's responsibility not the builder / repair man.

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25 Oct 2012 2:05 PM by llegaralasestrellas Star rating in United Kingdom (BHX .... 58 posts Send private message

llegaralasestrellas´s avatar

John, is that seriously the case, re. painting the inside of your own flat/house?! LOL now that really is "beureaucracy gone mad"...

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25 Oct 2012 2:20 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


My friend got fined when he got a 'bob the builder' to re-tile his kitchen.
I was surprised when I was allowed to do the re-fit of my son's kitchen without a licence, in an adjoining municipality, I know that work needs a licence.
In the UK,  when houses were individually assessed for rateable value, almost any improvement, say new window frames, central heating etc.,  was a reason for a re-valuation.  So don't just blame Spain.


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25 Oct 2012 4:02 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

johnx-what percentage of ex pats and Spaniards get licences to do all these works, do you think? No way is it as silly in UK. Yes large projects have to have permits(although that has recently been relaxed), but painting inside of villa? just a money making exercise by the council!

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25 Oct 2012 4:48 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I make no comment,


I was just pointing out that, especially in times of crisis, it would be better to ask the town hall before starting any work.


I have had several such licences for small jobs.


As I said,  My friend got fined when he got a 'bob the builder' to re-tile his kitchen.  
As I remember,  it was in the region of £300, and that about 14 years ago.  At that time I had 'influence' in the town hall and got it cancelled, or the amount significantly reduced, can't remember which for sure.

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25 Oct 2012 5:17 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

<<<<<<< At that time I had 'influence' in the town hall and got it cancelled, or the amount significantly reduced>>>>>>>>>>>

tteedd, my experience in Spain is forget it, you will get stressed and upset and get nowhere. Cut your losses and either take it as it is or find someone else to fix it. It is true that planning permission is needed for just about everything in Spain but really can't be compared to the UK in any way shape or form in this respect.



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26 Oct 2012 9:56 AM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


Thanks for the answers but all but the last seem to be off track. I am not interested in permissions. The work done only needed the permison of the urbanisation and made my place look the same as others.

What I am interested in is my legal/moral hold over the installer. I was looking for advice over what to do next. If there is a normal legal way to proceed then great but I am quite happy to threaten to publicise thier poor response should that be the only way to get them to move on the matter.


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26 Oct 2012 12:05 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


                     Sorry I took your question off at a tangent.
Every ‘legal’ establishment in Spain MUST have a complaints book/forms. Everyone has the absolute right to ask for the form and make a complaint.
If you ask and it is not supplied then you should at once call the Polica Local who will attend, impose a fine, and if it is say a café, close it down until they have the forms.
So, in your  case, if the tradesman was legally employed by you, (not a casual odd job, cash in hand,  man)  then ask for the form and make the complaint.
If you cannot get a form from him, then go to the Consumer Section of your town hall and make the complaint there.
The system usually works very well, and is free to the comsumer.



This message was last edited by johnzx on 26/10/2012.

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26 Oct 2012 4:07 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


Complaint form asked for.

I'll report any developments.

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26 Oct 2012 8:48 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

The BBC is on its ARSE at the moment SO they have  decided to screen a new TV SERIES called ONE FOOT IN SPAIN to offset the SCANDALS forming

However VICTOR MELDREW declined to participate as he thought the STRESS would kill HIM

get a ** EDITED - Against forum rules **




This message was last edited by rod on 26/10/2012.

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 27/10/2012.

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27 Oct 2012 8:16 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Don't take my word:-

2. Licencia de Obra Menor or Rehabilitacion (Minor Work Licence or Rehabilitation) — you will need this licence if you are making “minor” changes to a building, such as painting, changing tiles, removing or adding internal partition walls. Again, this should be obtained from your town hall planning department.

This licence is also required for any interior work that does not affect the building’s structure, plumbing, electric works, repair to structure of the building etc. A licence is required whether you carry out the work personally or use a qualified Spanish builder. The cost of this licence varies between 2% and 6% of the estimated total cost of the project.

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