Solicitor asking for part payment in cash

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01 Nov 2012 12:45 PM by smugfk Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

Hi Johnzx

My nom de plume is SMUGFK not just SMUG! Read into it what you will. I much prefer SMUGFK sound more appropriate to my personality.

26 years fulltime resident in Spain, 3 kids born and brought up here, one doing Masters in Architecture at Oxford, One finished BA hons from Plymouth univerisity last June and the youngest Seamen Specialist in Royal Navy. I have bought, sold and developed more properties here than I care to remember.

Over the 26 years I have seen the good and the bad on both the Costa del Sol and the Costa Blanca, just because someone says that's the way it is does not excuse the fact that propbably more than one law is being broken.

I speak fluent spanish and have many Spanish friends and a acquaintances. Spain and the spanish people have been very good to me and my family and we regards Spain as our home.

I wonder if your incescent postings on almost every topic belie a certain need for attention. 

Kindest regards SMUGFK

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01 Nov 2012 12:45 PM by smugfk Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

Hi Johnzx

My nom de plume is SMUGFK not just SMUG! Read into it what you will. I much prefer SMUGFK sound more appropriate to my personality.

26 years fulltime resident in Spain, 3 kids born and brought up here, one doing Masters in Architecture at Oxford, One finished BA hons from Plymouth univerisity last June and the youngest Seamen Specialist in Royal Navy. I have bought, sold and developed more properties here than I care to remember.

Over the 26 years I have seen the good and the bad on both the Costa del Sol and the Costa Blanca, just because someone says that's the way it is does not excuse the fact that propbably more than one law is being broken.

I speak fluent spanish and have many Spanish friends and a acquaintances. Spain and the spanish people have been very good to me and my family and we regards Spain as our home.

I wonder if your incescent postings on almost every topic belie a certain need for attention. 

Kindest regards SMUGFK


This message was last edited by smugfk on 01/11/2012.

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01 Nov 2012 12:56 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message



                    thanks for airing your feelings and your apparent need to display your linguistic skills and experiences over your 26 years. Maybe had you arrived here 14 years before you did you may, like me,  have a broader view.




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01 Nov 2012 3:02 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

As a novice seller in Spain

several have said about the price declared on the escritura-does a new one have to be prepared with the current selling price, as ours obviously has the original price we bought it at

We are tax residents so how do we ensure 3% isn't retained? (I know about the tax certificate) obviously the buyer will have to know this before getting the bank draft.

So in an ideal situation the buyer will arrive at the notary with the bank draft, minus the agent's commission.?

When does the seller pay the plus valia?

Sure you'll advise me on this, Georgia!


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01 Nov 2012 3:25 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


With each sale, there is a new escritura.  That will show the declared price of that transaction
Basically, of you are registered, as being resident in Spain, there should be no retention. If there is retention that is, in my case, paid into a government bank account following the signing at the Notary’s office.
The last time I used an agent, she did a balancing account. So I knew what she needed and what I had left, after balancing the annual payments, balance of the electricity etc.
The Plus Valir is paid after the transaction and although it is the responsibility of the seller, it can be agreed that the buyer will pay. That is what I have done each time.


If there has been a Capital Gain, that must be paid  for that year's tax. That is in May/June the following year.

Note.   A resident, who is 65 or over, who has lived in a property as their main home, is exempt from capital gains tax.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 01/11/2012.

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01 Nov 2012 3:52 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

'Note. A resident, who is 65 or over, who has lived in a property as their main home, is exempt from capital gains tax.'

Is there a  minimum time it has to have been the main home before exemption from CGT for over 65's? Thanks.



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01 Nov 2012 3:57 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Opps sorry I missed a bit between typing in Word to pasting.


It should have read


A resident, who is 65 or over, who has lived in a property as their main home for THREE YEARS , is exempt from capital gains tax.'


This message was last edited by johnzx on 01/11/2012.

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01 Nov 2012 4:15 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

 bogey, are you sure spain is for you?

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01 Nov 2012 4:19 PM by boggey79 Star rating. 32 posts Send private message

 I own property in I'm sure Spain will work out just fine!

It pays to ask questions, every country has differing attitudes towards these matters. That's evident just by reading this thread.


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