Norman Sands: Where are you?

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08 Jan 2013 9:32 AM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

Norman Sands - Now You Have Me Confused !!!!!!!

All I know about Norman is what I have recently read about him on Forum. 

Eggie & Popy constantly refer to Norman almost as a cult figure with great leadership skills plus a very "decent honest guy". I accepted that depiction.

Therefore, my confusion stems from fact that someone has just suggested to me that Norman was "an argumentative yobbo who tried to domineer the forum for his own purposes ----- & was constantly getting banned"  ie NOT my words.

Would someone kindly tell me which is the real Norman ????



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08 Jan 2013 10:31 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 Would someone kindly tell me which is the real Norman ????

find the nearest mirror??!! have started replying to yourself also...!

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08 Jan 2013 10:49 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Roly2, I don't intend to start another war of words on EOS by nameing names I can imagine where that would lead, you must have missed the more recent posts I was referring to. But I was also referring to posts over a few years where the posters have been unbelievably offensive, rude, foul mouthed and outright bullying, Norman bearing the brunt of a lot of their tirades although always staying calm himself, he was very cryptic and that I think was too difficult for some people to understand. One person in particular posted some absolutely shocking stuff, usually in the early hours which made me wonder what substance was involved, the next day if anyone had responded to these offensive posts they would suddenly become very respectable but indignant and self righteous which makes me think physco. I reported many of their posts which were deleted but they were never banned and although they don't actually post much now they are still a member. Norman has faced much abuse over the years but his abusers never got banned.

Harry07,  I had some private correspondence with Norman and have no doubt that he was 'a decent honest guy' and never had a problem with his forum postings which I thought were generally very astute. I don't recall anyone referring to his great leadership skills.


This message was last edited by Poppyseed on 08/01/2013.



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08 Jan 2013 11:37 AM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

I do not have any position or problem whatsoever with Norman Sands - simply confused since the comments below were received from someone of high standing on the Forum. Unsure how other people viewed Norman ?

There is certainly some validity re your comments about ugly tactics on the Forum. Imagine accusing someone of sending threatening emails & then doing a runner when requested to post the threatening email & carbon PM which he claims to have. Very simple: his credibility now rests on producing these - no ifs or buts or silly attack comments. Otherwise the Forum will judge him as he is !!!!!!!!

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08 Jan 2013 12:09 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 the email was published on here Harry as soon as i received it but as usual you didnt read the post and just ploughed on answering the voices in your head that keep you posting at back and you will find it?

The only thing that was edited by the forum was your email address.

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08 Jan 2013 12:39 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

What timewasting nonsense !!!!!!

Post the threatening email here now plus the carbon PM.

I certainly would if my credibility rested on it.

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08 Jan 2013 12:58 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 its posted, as i are not reading again maybe need more sleep.

please do not send me anymore private messages either,i cant imagine why you would anyway when its blatantly obviously i dont like you?!

now...i have work to do....please only post in response when you have read it (pointless exercise really as we both know you sent it)

Have a nice day!


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08 Jan 2013 1:32 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

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Never mind about Norman, more to the point is where is Justin?

The nastiness that has been displayed on this forum recently would not have been tolerated a little while ago...

And an internet whois check on eyeonspain shows that it is now administered from an address in Paterna, Valencia....




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08 Jan 2013 1:33 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

Hopefully, this duplicity does not encompass everyone working in Alforfa Real Estate. The comment about PMs' is also duplicitous.

Apologies to everyone for this timewasting aside - I should not have bothered.

Case definitely now rested.

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08 Jan 2013 2:17 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 This is my parting shot and my thoughts om what has gone....i may be wrong but......

I presume Justin who i liked, has sold the site.

As the numbers were dropping certain people like moncapitan and Harry have been introduced to create arguments and hence make threads more interesting.

Based on Moncapitan stating in his opening post that he had no interest in owning property in Spain,then posting adverts from my area and to keep mentioning Algorfa repeatedly in an attempt to lure me back onto a thread for reaction.

Based on Moncapitan suddenly having an allegiance with Harry??

Then Harry comes on we have a disagreement,i then get a private message from him saying i am damaging my business(why?)......i go quiet.....Harry sends me another pm asking me to come back(why?).....i then get an email to work from a Harry Clarke telling me i am damaging my business(why?).....but it's not from Harry although he has never denied it outright???....strange...?

I only came onto this site 6 years ago to offer advice from my 25 years experience in the property business,i have been a property advisor to the BBC,Sky,Channel 4 have done a podcast on here and have had a series on Spanish television where i did 10 episodes as a property advisor.

But Harry and Moncapitan know better.

I dont mind helping people as they embark on a sometimes difficult and unique journey but..

I get asked to quote sales figures....they are questioned

I get asked for my views on the market.......they are questioned.

I offer to donate 1,000€ to charity and supply all my facturas for sale of property in the year to prove the stats........Harry deflects and moves on.

I post the email that i got straight away to prove i am being chased........Harry pretends he hasn't seen it and asks me to post the email constantly although he is told over and over again i have done and he knows it.

I am going to leave you to it and the sad demise of this once fun and informative site.

In all honesty there are more important things to do and one moment spent on arguing with people like this does me no good.

I could have spent more time on this and put more damning facts on here but it doesnt take a great detective to work it out,thank you  for the numerous pm's advising me to ignore them but.....enough is enough.

if anyone needs property advice they can pm me (not you Harry) and if i have time i will try to help.




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