New NIE Number

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04 Nov 2012 3:35 PM by belgravia Star rating in Valencia. 7 posts Send private message

 Recently I have had cause to renew my UK driving license and because I am living in Spain, have to replace it with a Spanish one. Trafico have said I need a “green’ NIE document even though I have a NIE on white paper.


A friend suggested I do the process through a ‘gestoria’ who said that from April 1st this year, all expats are required to obtain a new NIE document on ‘green’ paper and until I get this I cannot renew my driving license.


I have had to supply the old NIE number, passport details, copy of medical card, my UK pension details, the UK reciprocal medical agreement, bank statement, and a document proving we are living where we say we are living from the local council.


Does anyone else know of this and would like to comment?



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04 Nov 2012 4:01 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

 Hi Belgravia


Here are 2 links to peruse which should clarify matters.





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04 Nov 2012 4:55 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


                          The NIE certificate (white one) is what everyone needs who has any financial dealings in Spain, (owns a property etc) but who are not resident.
The ‘Green one’  As you call it, is the EU Foreign Citizens Registration Certificate, which applies to those who spend 3 or more months Permanently in Spain , or a total of 183 days or more in 12 months ,or who have their main centre of activities in Spain.  It took the place of the Residencia, which was abolished for EU citizens in 2007
The number remains  the same, if when applying for the Citizens Reg Cert,  you already had an NIE Cert.
According to the Hacienda (but not some posters) once you have have registered you are immediately tax resident in Spain.




This message was last edited by johnzx on 04/11/2012.

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05 Nov 2012 1:29 PM by belgravia Star rating in Valencia. 7 posts Send private message

Thank you for your help, John and NIgel. Thank you Nigel for the links, useful information but the download link doesn't work anymore, it seems. And John, I have been told the number will be a new one. I cannot use my old number. Anyway, many thanks for the information, gratefully received.

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05 Nov 2012 2:58 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message



If you have not cancelled your NIE then it remains valid, but as I said if they are talking about 'the green cert'  it mean you must register on UE citizens register at the National Police.  The ‘white cert’ will not be enough, albeit, that the EU Reg will have the same number.

As you said you are living in Spain then you should have registered when you had been here  no longer than 3months, as you have been resident since then.  


  It is not a new requirement,  but the proceedure changed  this year, making it more complicated.

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