The Comments |
my name is chris and i am looking to move to spain on october 23rd. we have an apartment there and we are currently looking for local schools to suit our children...georgina 3,jack 8,joshua 12,. we have been learing spanish for the last two years, and the children have been learning some too. they can tell the time, ask for food/drinks, introduce themselves, count to 1000 etc.
we are looking for any information as to good/bad schools in the area, and any feedback will be greatly appreciated. we are going out on july 11th and are taking the boys to a karate club near to cabo roig..they do karate and kick boxing in the uk, and would like to cary on in spain.we are also looking for employment, i do gardening,engineering, carpentry, brickwork, mechanicing, mending antique clocks etc.... my wife karen is an accountant in the uk. any ideas, connections would be greatly appreciated.
many thanks, hope you can help
regards for now,
Hi Chris & Karen
Gosh, you've left it rather late to be asking such questions especially about the childrens schools, surely ?
Haven't you made any friends, who are there permanently & with kiddies themselves, who will have first hand knowledge ?
As seen in forums so many times people ask about employment once in Spain & usually they get the same answers, if you can't speak fluent Spanish, you won't get a job such as an accountant, as in Karen's situation.
Wished I could be of more help. It's depressing, I'm sure, if you post though & receive no answers so I thought I'd basically just welcome you both to EOS forum & say good luck with your move over. We own property in the Guardamar area, Cabo Roig's around a 20 minute drive south from us. We pass through it on our way "home" from Murcia airport along the N332.
Kind regards.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/7/2007.
Hi, I live not far from where you are going to be. Acouple who live in our apartment block have a boy who is 6, tomorrow I will have a word with them about the school he goes to and post any info I get tomorrow.
Can't help much with the job info, but as morerosado said you would probably need really good Spanish and possibly another language other than English to break into the job market here. There is always the opssibility of starting up on your own if you have the resources.
Good luck anyway.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
hi folks,
thanks for both your replys. firstly, weve not asked about schools yet, as we dont know the area all that well yet, and we have only recently been told about EOS. we have had about four or five holidays in our apartment, but as yet, not really met anybody that lives here with children of similar ages.
so, not knowing anybody, not knowing who to ask etc etc, i am sure that im not the first, and i know i wont be the last!!!
we arent going to give up though, thanks for your help.
Hey polski,
Have you had a look at the general discussion boards under 'Kids Stuff'? There may be some useful stuff in there about schools around the Torrevieja area, though maybe not Cabo Roig.
Regards as ever
Hi noel.
no ive not done that , i will try. thanks
ps i take it youre still both alive after the perowski then!!
it is worth doing a search on the forums, I just did a search for 'school' and got umpteen pages , some good some maybe not so but lots of info
Yes we survived, even the gwumpkie! Great night, thanks.
Hi noel.
thanks for the help. i will look as soon as i get a minute, were off to cabo roig tomorrow(wed 11th) until 29th. we are hoping to find out some more whilst we are there.
talk to you soon.
love to wilma
sorry I have not posted re. schools, but the people I was going to ask are in England!!
The school I am thinking about is at the top of the Playa Flamenca market road. The market is held on Saturday so if you visit it, anyone will tell you where it is, and walk to the very top, there is the school, which of course is now closed-although there may be some staff there.
If I can be of help when you come over PM me and I'll give you my mobile number.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Hi again
thats great news, we know where the market is, as weve been, and we have been roughly to the end of the road, where we think you are on about. we went looking for apartments there .
we are going out tomorrow, and taking the boys to a karate club there.
i will pm you to get your number.
many thanks
hi me again
ive not used this forum much yet, and i cant find the link for the pm.
please give us a clue!!
I think you have to actually LOG IN and then the PM will be included in my post.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Sent you a PM....let me know if you got it!!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
i was logged in , but it still doent give me any other option apart from insert a video !
that would put everybody off. ha ha
On this bit which we are chatting now there is no private message thingy, BUT if you LOG ON then all the posts have the private message facility on the left habd side.
It totally confused me to begin with and I had to open up a new thread to sort it!!
Senior blonde moment !!!!!!!!!!
Got your pm now and replied.....have a good flight.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
i will have to try tomorrow. log out then back in
thanks again
Go and finish your packing !!!!!!!!!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Hi karen,
i am really sorry that we did not have time to meet up for a beer, we will do soon im sure. we went to look where the school was that you we on about, it turns our that all three children will go to one nearer. this one is past consum, over the ap7, and left at the next roundabout ( on the way to villamartin)
we hired an interpertur and went to the town hall to get our padrons(didnt knew we needed these), we also need medical certificates from spanish doctors, but cannot get these without a letter from our doctor saying that thety are up to date with their jabs etc yes youve got it..didnt know we needed these either!!)
i have to fly back out sept 3,4 or 5th to get them registered in schools, and am currently waiting for news if i have to go on my own or have the children alomg for the doctoe/school registration.
also we dont know if theses a school bus from cabo roig( if they travel on the bus they get school dinners too, if not, more outlay)
its one step forward and two back at the moment.thanks for your help, we will meet up for that beer yet!!