Here are the instructions in English (and I understand that having competed the forms you can pay them at your bank as before)
Last year, having filled out the form for my son, I tried to use the same info for his wife. But I found that unless I started the whole form again from scratch, I got the same bar code, so the bank could not pay the one for my daughter in law. I do not know if that is still he same, but if you use the info again, check the bar code, to see if it has changed.
This is info I got from a friend.
The form is here, . From the web page you click on Modelos y Formularios on the right hand side then click on Impuesto sobre la renta de non residentes, then scroll down and click on form 210 then click on Formulario (devengos a partir de 2011) then the new form appears!