Holiday companies
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I bought into a holiday plan some time ago and have had an email from them saying that they have had an offer for the plan. They want me to pay over 2000 euros for legal fees which will be refunded when the transaction is complete. They say this is to guarantee that the solicitors' work is done. The buyer is also paying over 2000 euros of legal fees. All of this on a transaction of 11000 euros. Has anyone had any experience of this?
Ok, so yours is a Holiday Plan and not a Timeshare (same thing?) but I suggest you take a good look at before you do anything concerning this offer. Beware, it could be a scam. If not, you shouldn't be paying for legal fees unitl the work is done (except for, maybe, a small retainer) and there's no way that a simple transaction should cost so much! Why not use an independent Solicitor, as is advised many times on this site.
Good luck!

That was my first thought - why do they need the money up front? Also legal fees are almost 40%. Even if monies are repaid, they are 20%. Far too high. I personally think it is a scam but wondered what other folk thought.
I think this is a scam. Can I ask who the holiday club is with? Is it based in Tenerife?
Voyager Travel / Destination Travel, Barcelona.
Having spoken to this company, I'm even more convinced that it is a scam. No opportunity to engage an independent lawyer, no proper contract available until the day before (by which time would have travelled to Barcelona to do the deal), very high lawyers' fees, no private contract, no proper authority to do the transaction. No guarantee that they / the lawyers will not go broke. Tried to tell me that they are highly regulated and covered by EU laws - even so, would not want to spend time and money trying to get money back - not cost effective. Even questioned that I had lived and done business in Spain for over 25 years. Very questionable.
Hi Competa
This is a SCAM they have some how got a list clients who bought into holiday for life, and are sending out letters to mainly Brits who bought into the holidays DONT SEND ANY MONEY it happend to a friend of mine and now they are out even more money.
_______________________ You know it makes sense.
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