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I didn't send myself one but I got one.
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Eye on Spain |
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23:08 (11 minutes ago) |
Eye on Spain member, morerosado, has left you a private message at Eye on Spain.
You can read this message at:
NOTE: You will need to be logged in as member 'morerosado' to read the message.
Justin ....................
Can you arrange for us to be able to delete messages, please ? I'll try to explain why I'm asking (although we don't necessarily want to keep every last message, anyway.)
Problem I have : Someone sends me a PM & I reply. Then they reply to that & I again reply etc etc ... & it all can be kept on a continuous thread which is great for keeping track of it all between two members. BUT, in my inbox I have 5 threads between myself & one member & in my sent box I have 7 threads between myself & the same member all with an identical string of messages. Is this a problem anyone else is having ?
Also, I currently have 4 new messages showing although I have none !
EOS team, (I take it Justins busy entertaining mum) Im pulling my hair out here, my Private messages box is telling me I have 1 new message but I havent. Ive read all the ones sent to me and this came up after I replied to one, so are there still some gliches or am I being blonde again!!!!
Hi Jackie same here,its saying I have a new message but I too have read mine. Never mind, just teething problems I guess.
Looks like it JPD, Justin said there were a few teething problems he hoped would be sorted by today, but just logging back on my PM box has gone to 0 new messages now, I wonder if that means Ive got one???
Ha, I was right - I did have a new message and now ive clicked on my inbox and the message,it has come up as Private messages 1 new???? Im confused, I know its Monday but thats not a fair way to start the week!
Hi Jackie mine has now gone to 0 messages and I never moved!! Doesn't take much to confuse me!
Hi Trish
You/me both! I give up - i'll just keep checking my inbox whatever it says (god - that makes me sound like Im desperate for messages now!!)
Do I assume correctly that these are 100% private messages to just the two members exchanging them ?
No one in the EOS Team are witness to anything, are they ?
Many of us seem to be sending PM's lately as it is a way of exchanging views on things without critism, which has & is going on, sadly.
morerosado, we take privacy very seriously. We do NOT monitor PMs. The only data we have is the actual number of PMs sent by each person. We use this data to monitor usage but no one here has access to the actual PMs. They are strictly private. We rely on members to report spam and PM abuse to us. We will be implementing a feature soon which will make is much easier for people to report PM spam to us.
Also, it is impossible for anyone other than the two communicating to read your messages.
It is the security aspect of this system which has been the reason it has taken so long to implement.
Anyway, hope you're not saying anything horrible about me in your PMs
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Thanks Justin. I haven't said anything nasty, or indeed otherwise, in my PMs, about you but glad to know if I did you'd not find out.