Office of fair trading in Spain

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23 Jan 2013 9:49 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message


I had a Samsung Galaxy free as part of a Vodafone contract last Feb for 24 months. Samsung Galaxy broke in November and since November 21st it has been a phone house, where i bought it, in Malaga. They sent it to Madrid for repair and basically i have never heard back from them since. I have been in there 3 times and fobbed off (after waiting in queue for 40 minutes each time minimum). I was told the phone would take 4 weeks to repair, then 6 weeks, then 8 weeks. I was given 2 phone numbers to ring and nobody answers them. I was given an e mail address of girl in shop, Ana Muñoz but she does not answer e mails. I have complained to Phone House online but no answer.

I have also written to Samsung but they tell me it is a Phone House problem as I got the phone from them.


Is there an Office of Fair Trading  in Fuengirola/Malaga (don´t laugh). I am at my wit´s end with this and don´t know what to do next. I told them to give me a free phone last time i was there but she said they can only do that if it is authorised from Madrid (god).


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jane

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23 Jan 2013 9:57 AM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
This is an almost identical story to what happened to a friend of mine who bought a tablet from the Phone House. Twice back for repair, then they lost it, they think it's in Madrid ..... Four months and no tablet.

Anyway what got things moving for her was joining the Facebook page for Phone House ES, and every time Phone House put up a story or a pic, she would write her problem underneath (along with 2 or 3 Spanish folk with similar problems). She just wrote in English. Within a day Phone House had contacted her through Facebook and promised to sort it out.m that was last week ..... Fingers crossed.

Worth a try!

Oh of course the official way is to ask for the Hojas de Reclamación in the shop.

Aso, in more direct answer to your question, many town halls or libraries host the Oficina de Consumadores (similar to CABx) who will add your case to their bulging file on Phone House.

Good luck!


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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23 Jan 2013 10:20 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

Thanks very much I will try going down the facebook route


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23 Jan 2013 11:34 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Tamisa says Oh of course the official way is to ask for the Hojas de Reclamación in the shop
Good advice but it should have been   "Demand  the Hojas de Reclamación in the shop"  complete it and if not satisfied after 2 weeks,  go to the Consumers office in the local town hall. 
I suggest that when one has a complaint always complete the form, no matter what promises are made. If the shop etc put things right within the two weeks, great,  throw away your copies, if they do not, you are on the right road.
The form consists of 3 sensitised pages.  Along the inside (left) edge, written horizontally, is which form is for whom. 
You take the customers copy and the consumer's office copy.  
If the shop say they do not have the form, or will give it to you, call the LOCAL POLICE (policía local).    They should attend, fine the shop on the spot and close it down until they have the form is available.  It works, I have used in several times both for myself and for others.


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23 Jan 2013 3:22 PM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

Thanks very much .. I have facebooked them and I received a reply within 2 minutes of posting my complaint right underneath one of their new razzle dazzle products (that probably dont work). Thanks all and hopefully they will be in touch within 24 hours or I will go down the hoja de reclamacion route.


Thanks again,



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23 Jan 2013 11:41 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
Hooray for the power of Facebook! Or rather, the power of bad publicity on Facebook!!!


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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