Driving to Spain with my car - checklist & advice

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19 Jan 2013 8:03 PM by nomadicamel Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

I'll be spending a few months in Andalucia, I'll be carrying with me my UK insurance papers, passport, MOT certificate & UK license. Is there anything I've missed out?

Also, how bad is the driving over there? Is there a problem with car theft & break-ins ?






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19 Jan 2013 9:37 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message


I ASSUME you are DRIVING a right hand DRIVE car

Be very careful when you enter the DUAL CARRIAGE ways you will have to position your CAR in such away to see accross the passanger seat SAFELY 

WATCH OUT FOR young kids on MOPEDS usually three of them hanging on with no HELMETS wiil suddenly appear AND SWAY INTO YOUR path

Drivers will get RIGHT UP your ass and INDICATE till you move over the SPANISH are NUTTERS when it comes to DRIVING I remember DRIVING back from MARBELLA it was RAINING HEAVILY and the SPANISH were driving too close one of them BRAKED and 10 cars ENDED UP in a mass COLLISION, but we avoided it as we were driving SENSIBLY




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19 Jan 2013 10:03 PM by juansheetisplenty Star rating in Cartagena. 283 posts Send private message

19 Jan 2013 11:39 PM by nomadicamel Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

I figured the driving in Spain would be a somewhat creative & adventrous - not dissimiliar to London!

It'll be a RHD car, and I'm planning on either getting the ferry from England or driving all the way to Granada through France & North Spain. Is it worth driving all the way or better to catch the ferry? Is the drive scenic or just a long motorway pain in the ass?




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20 Jan 2013 10:16 AM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Some information for you.

On 1 March 2012 the French government confirmed that from 1 July 2012 drivers of all motor vehicles and motorcycles (excluding mopeds) must carry a breathalyser.

The regulation will be enforced from 1 November 2012 and anyone stopped after that date who fails to produce a breathalyser when requested will receive an on the spot fine of €11.

Satnav and speed camera alerts

Since 3 January 2012 French laws have prohibited drivers from carrying any device capable of detecting speed cameras. This includes products or devices able to warn or inform of the location of speed cameras e.g. satnav or gps systems capable of showing speed camera sites as Points of Interest.


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20 Jan 2013 2:32 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

When I first came to live in Spain about 25 years ago, I drove back to UK several times.  However, I eventually came to the decision that not only was it much cheaper to fly and hire a car there (break-even just on cost, was about a six week trip) but it was also considerably less stressful, less risk of accident, breakdown etc. and much quicker.
I have not priced it the other way but unless you really want to drive, with the possible considerable more expense and risk etc then I would have thought that flying here and then hiring a car would be a much belter choice all round . It is certainly what I would do.
As for driving when here its not that different from driving anywhere else,

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20 Jan 2013 3:12 PM by nomadicamel Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

Johnzx thanks for the reply,

Is it really cheaper to fly out and hire a car? I'mplanning bieng there for between 2  to 3 months? How much is cheap car hire out there? I will be bringing quite a bit of stuff with me which is another reason Im planning on driving out there.


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20 Jan 2013 3:30 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Hi, I did not see you were coming for a couple of months.
However, although 2 / 3 months would be cheaper to bring your own car, It also depend on how often you would use the car whilst here
When I was looking at prices, several years ago,  it was cheaper and quicker to take the ferry to Caen from Portsmouth, but I was coming from the London area. Cean to Malaga is about 1,200 miles; it’s a long drive, around 24 hours.  From San Sebastian / Bilboa its about 700 miles.  Driveable in 12 /14 hours.
 However, you do not need to use the paid motorways; either in France nor Spain, the alternative is just about as quick and a lot cheaper. You also have a greater choice of where you want to stop for coffee etc. and fuel is cheaper off the peaje.
I did take the ferry to northern Spain once but that involved 24 hours on the boat, extra meals etc and boring. That was much slower than driving, from Caen,  but that was when I drove straight though.


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20 Jan 2013 3:45 PM by nomadicamel Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

Thanks Johnzx for the portsmouch to Caen tip, I'll be coming from London too.

Just had a quick look for car hire prices for two months and it is cheap for an economy car- about £60 a week/ £240 a month. £500 for two months. That is tempting. My AA european breakdown insurance alone will probably be a fortune :(

Food for thought.




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20 Jan 2013 4:38 PM by tech Star rating in Maidstone/Turre when.... 83 posts Send private message

 yes most of the info here is correct but Rod, I didn't know that Spanish cars had indicators. As well as the breathalyser kit, I believe that if you wear glasses, you must carry a spair pair, also warning triangles, and hi-viz jacket for driver and each passenger. if you have a problem on the highway, put the vest on before getting out of the vehicle.

How come when the Spanish are at work they move at snails pace but as soon as they get into their cars they think they are racing in the Spanish grand prix?

But yes driving abroad is like driving in the UK but being on the wrong side of the road you need to keep your wits about you.



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20 Jan 2013 5:07 PM by nomadicamel Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

Regards catching the ferry to Spain with car, what's the nearest port from London, and which is the port in South Spain I'll be arriving at? Might as well as check up costs, save me driving through france.

Rough idea on cost would be good too.

My plan is to bring my car, which is an MPV, & I'm going to take all the rear seats and create a makeshift camper. That way I can spend the odd night in it when somewhere remote.




This message was last edited by nomadicamel on 20/01/2013.

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20 Jan 2013 5:16 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

and which is the port in South Spain I'll be arriving at


I expect you meant Northern Spain. There are no ferry ports in the south.

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20 Jan 2013 5:53 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
Portsmouth to Bilbao or Santander. Then a 9 hour drive to the south. Be aware that these ferries are often delayed or cancelled due to bad weather so driving from a French ferry port may be better but, to make it a nicer trip, you should allow a couple of days with at least one overnight stop.

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21 Jan 2013 12:40 AM by annelin Star rating in china. 3 posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 21/01/2013.

This message was last edited by annelin on 21/01/2013.

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24 Jan 2013 1:01 AM by KevinW4 Star rating in London/Mojacar Playa. 25 posts Send private message

 Hi, nomadicamel.

You don't say when you will be travelling, but if it's still during the winter months I would suggest the Bilbao/Santander ferries may well be affected by bad weather.

Since we retired, we have driven down to Mojacar many times and stay in our apartment for 6 to 8 weeks.

We too, were a bit apprehensive about the drive, but we share it 4 hours  then stop for lunch and switch for the next 4 hours, so we do Calais to Mojacar with just 2 nights stops. One about Chartres and the other near Barcelona. We have no problems coping with a RHD on French roads and if you stay on the autoroutes the drive is fairly effortless. We head towards Rouen then down towards Toulon and then swing east towards Perpignan. I assume you have a reasonably recent car with cruise control as that it a bonus, up to 130 kph where permissable and just keep going. 

Where you may have a problem if travelling alone is at the tollbooths as you'll be unable to stretch across to the buttons or operator! Many take credit cards so you don't have to juggle wiuth a lot of change.

As said, take driving licence (both parts) passport (!!) and vehicle docs. I'd suggest you advise your insurance company and ask for Green Card European cover. (Some are a bit awkward if for more than 6 weeks so better to find out first BEFORE there is a problem.

Generally it's common sense and I think it easier to cope with driving your own RHD vehicle than coping with a strange car with LHD, but neither is really hard, just your own car feels better. When you factor in airline costs, baggage and parking charges, plus hire car in Spain, then there isn't very much difference in overall costs.

I would recommend you read up about the various routes at viamichelin and try planning your route so you know fairly well how long each stage may take. Allow a bit of leeway for bad weather, hold ups etc and use a satnav if it has European maps. Use the large motorway services for meals and refuelling and just be wary of anyone trying to tell you about a puncture or that something may be wrong with your car - they'll be after distracting you for your valuables. Not that it happens a lot, just better to be wise to anything suspicious. I think the breathalysers were put back to March 2013 and have just been announced that they won't be introduced for the foreseeable future as the manufacturers can't produce enough!

2 warning triangles, hi viz for each passenger IN the car, not boot (drape them over the seat backs so the police can see you have them to hand) and just take it sensibly. Yes, you'll have someone sniffing up your exhaust but don't get rattled into doing anything silly, he's behind you so it's his problem if you brake! Amyone being really annoying, then just flick on your lights and he'll see the red rear lights as brake lights and slam on his anchors while you continue your merry way. Try not to be toonasty, you just want to warn him off!

Enjoy your travels!

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24 Jan 2013 3:09 AM by nomadicamel Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

Wow Kevinw4 that's great advice!

Love the bit about switching your car lights pretending to brake. Must try that one :)

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24 Jan 2013 8:10 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


hi viz for each passenger IN the car, not boot (drape them over the seat backs so the police can see you have them to hand)
It is not recommended by the manufacturers of the jackets (nor by Seat, I just got a new car) that they are left in sunlight as the reflective quality diminishes. 
As for flicking on your lights when being followed too closely. I wouldn’t recommend it.  For one it probably illegal but more importantly its likely to antagonise the other driver (who is already displaying aggression).  Better to make it easier for him (maybe her) to pass.

Just saw this about driving in France:- 

The last car in a queue of slow-moving traffic must use their hazard lights as a warning, and

If you want the car in front to give way, flash your headlights


This message was last edited by johnzx on 24/01/2013.

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27 Jun 2014 4:56 PM by Laycock Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

26.06.2014. This morning drove down to Barcelona from France and stopped at the last service station before Barcelona , and just after the last Toll on the AP7. We stopped for a coffee break and when we went back to the car a person in a car parked next to us said that our rear right hand tyre was punctured. It seemed alright to us so we drove off after another driver a few metres away mentioned to be careful as there are car robberies taking place in this area sometimes. We drove along the ap7 towards Barcelona when a message in our car said to check the tyre pressure. We very quickly became suspicious and the same driver that unknown to us was following us suddenly overtook us and was flashing his lights and making frantic signs to pull over. We became very frightened and kept on driving and headed to the nearest exit. The car followed us. We made signs to him that we were not going to stop and made sure he saw us making a telephone call. He then drove off. Shortly after, we stopped and called for assistance. Our tyre was completely flat by this time. We discovered it had been stabbed 3 times. We also learnt that we were about to be robbed and that is how they target tourist cars. We were very lucky but were left with a lot of frustration and an expensive bill from the local Mercedes garage. We have been driving down this motorway for many years and this is the first time we have experience this situation. We tend to stop in Toll areas which are safer. Our advise is to NEVER STOP IN SERVICE AREAS OUTSIDE TOLL ROADS AND IF YOU HAVE TO, THEN REMAIN BY YOUR CAR. IF YOU DISCOVER YOU HAVE A PUNCTURE AFTER HAVING STOPPED AT A SERVICE AREA DO NOT STOP IF A CAR THAT IS FOLLOWING YOU IS SIGNING YOU TO STOP. CONTINUE UNTIL YOU GET TO A PETROL STATION OR SEE A POLICE CAR. DIAL 112 EMERGENCY SERVICES. 
-- Sophie L Jun 26, 2014 5:23 PM


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28 Jun 2014 5:39 AM by pginfo1 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

thanks for giving this information

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