The Comments |
that if you talke this route you have now denied yourself health care in the UK
After reading this weeks Daily Mail i wouldn't worry to much about that one, the Mail has done a full page on " Overseas visitors" coming to England just to have free health care done, then going back home without ever paying for it.....Because the UK health service has said, don't bother to charge anyone, we cannot deny anyone health care.
It goes so far as to say that even when a couple of genuine overseas visitor's wanted to pay they were, told no we cant process any payments so leave it.
This ranges from pregnant mothers to cancer suffers, and going by the people who wrote in, mostly from hospital staff, it's been going on for many many years.
It seems it's costing the UK billions in free medicine, health care and stopping genuine UK citizens from having their hospital emergency treatment done on time.
Having read through the new draft Double Taxation Agreement between Spain and the UK, there is, in my view, a major issue, if you have a government pension, which is currently taxable only in the UK. If you have any other income, such as a state pension, then you currently get the benefit of two personal allowances. A government pension is still only taxable in the UK, BUT, in Article 22, under Elimination of Double Taxation it says b) Where in accordance with any provision of the Convention income derived or capital owned by a resident of Spain is exempt from tax in Spain, Spain may nevertheless, in calculating the amount of tax on the remaining income (or capital) of such resident, take into account the exempted income or capital. My understanding of this, is that they will add the value of a government pension to the income to be taxed in Spain, which will potentially impact your earned income allowances, and may also impact your marginal rate of tax.
Well its been good while it has lasted.
25 years of double tax releif, so I won't complain.
Info from NHS web page:-
UK state pensioners living overseas, and those visiting from countries that have a reciprocal healthcare agreement with the UK, are also entitled to free hospital treatment, but not pre-planned treatment or treatment that can await their return home.
Sometimes one needs to take a pinch of salt with readers letters, as the 'facts' described are not always exactly correct.
Should one also not apply for an EHIC card as Spanish resident also?
Of course we know she should have been carrying a Spanish EHIC card for her visit to the UK.
What I find appalling is that a British Citzen who has paid tax there for forty years is charged whilst immigrant's who have never paid tax anywhere get the treatment for free.
Maybe she should of presented her invoice to the Spanish 
However, a UK resident in Spain on holiday can apply for an EHIC retrospectively. We know somebody from who ended up in hospital longer than necessary because the insurer would not pay and wanted the UK government to issue a backdated EHIC. I guess my point is on the one hand today in threads somebody commented that the NHS does not charge immigrants, and here we have a situation where two civil services could sort this out. Logic?
The difference in the health systems is that the UK one is 'residence' based, whereas the Spanish one you have to qualify for from either being Spanish or working in the country. British pensioners and disabled persons from the UK's health is paid by the UK eventually.
Good point. So the conclusion is that the Uk Pensioner in Spain has healthe care provided by UK government at a cost of £3000 say. They then need treatment in UK. So question - should the UK pay again? Not being funnny here but just trying to apply some logic? Why should the SPanish health system not reimburse the UK here?
Team, One must have rules and rules should be complied with, tough.
I pay tax only in the UK, although I live in Spain, but I too cannot hope to get treatment there without the paperwork.
Although as the UK pay £3,500 a year for each of us entitled to get free health care in Spain, it seems a little odd one cannot get it in UK.
But as I said, I never take reader's’ letters as being 100% accurate, as an Irish friend tells me “Pity to spoil a good story for the want of a wee lie”
No Juan, they are just different systems. The UK are mugs, the Spanish aren't!
LOL. We use the two services a lot as my partner has serious health issues. Give me Spain anyday! The NHS has the best nursing but is an admin nightmare!
Doesn't take a detective to establish (from the story in the Olive press) that the lady was not a pensioner Lsoing your touch, John?
Don, your "facts" are incorrect. Using bold type doesn't make any difference.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
9/10 - I spelt "losing" wrong! 
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Roberto, I only use bold type because of these crap specs I was given in the UK by the NHS optician. I must go to an optician here in Spain.I see their specs are half the price of the ones in the UK. 
The one on the main road in Mazarron town near where the old outdoor market was is very good. Also pop into the bodega for some Jumilla by the litre!
New Double Taxation Agreement between Spain and UK - discuss!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Yep I have checked your spelling!