The Comments |
hi all
can anyone confirm the address for the police station in Antequera to obtain a NIE number, and if anyone has done it recently what is the wait time to get it and the cost. have found this address, Calle de Oaxaca, 29200 Antequera
also a tad off this thread what is the medical cover situation now has it changed to all are covered, has seen threads syaying that new system means everone eligible to reside in spain is now cover with spain's nhs system
thanks in advance
You won't be. All foreigners registered as 'resident' & 'permanent resident' before April 24th 2012 are entitled to full healthcare , exactly the same as a spanish national.
Anyone registered after that date has to comply with the new requirements as to income, & private healthcare , if under retiring age.
Todos somos Lorca.
guslopez thanks for that wasn't certain where we stood
The cost is 10.40 euros and is paid at any bank using a form provided by the documentation section of the National Police Station.
It 'should be issued immediately, but I think there are variations in different areas
Tamara appears to show the local police.
I may be wrong, but I believe it is always the Documentation Section of the National Police,
Shown on the internet for Antequera as:-
C/ Ciudad de Oaxaca S/N - 29200, Antequera (Málaga)
johnzx thanks for that we're not over till aug so just staring to get info
if it is C/ Ciudad de Oaxaca S/N - 29200, Antequera is it now in the new building next to the comisaria buliding or is that the building I need used google maps and police station not finished being built when street map filmed (not sure how old it is)
This message was last edited by wencra on 28/04/2013.
There seems to be a lot of confusion about eligibility for free Spanish health care.If residents were eligible for free health care before April 2012, how long a period was this for, because when I became a resident in 2002, only EU citizens of state pension age and their dependants, workers paying into the system were allowed health care. I thought the widening of eligibility to ALL EU citizens earning under 100,000 euros a year is the situation now-what happened?
ah right, back on the merry go round lol, am sure by the time we get over there it will have changed - several times
hi all
can someone clear something up for me, to get my NIE number do I need to be on a town pardon or need an address in spain, have a friends address that they are allowing me to use if I need to
just want to double check that I do not need to be on the town pardon as well, do they still issue 'non resident' NIE
You do not need to be on the padron to obtain an NIE (however, you do need an NIE to get on the padron).
You do need to provide an address in Spain but this can be your friend's address. Try and ensure it is in the same region as you are going to rent/buy as rules vary between regions.
You do not need to be a permanent resident to obtain an NIE. Many holiday home purchasers are not resident but need an NIE to purchase the property.
Just add to Bobaol's post.
El número de identidad de extranjero, más conocido por sus siglas NIE es, en España, un código que sirve para la identificación de los no nacionales. Está compuesto por una letra inicial, siete dígitos y un carácter de verificación alfabético. La letra inicial es una X para NIEs asignados antes de julio de 2008 y una Y para NIEs asignados a partir de dicha fecha. Una vez agotada la serie numérica de la Y la norma prevé que se utilice la Z.
De acuerdo con el artículo 101 del Reglamento de Extranjería español, aprobado por Real Decreto 2393/2004, de 30 de diciembre, los extranjeros que, por sus intereses económicos, profesionales o sociales, se relacionen con España, serán dotados, a efectos de identificación, de un número personal, único y exclusivo, de carácter secuencial. El número personal será el identificador del extranjero, que deberá figurar en todos los documentos que se le expidan o tramiten, así como las diligencias que se estampen en su tarjeta de identidad o pasaporte.
Foreigners Identity number, better known by its acronym NIE is, in Spain, a code that serves for the identification of non-nationals. It is composed of an initial letter, seven-digits and one alphabetic character of verification. The initial letter was an X, assigned NIEs before July 2008, and Y to those allocated from that date
In accordance with article 101 of the Spanish aliens regulation, approved by Royal Decree 2393 / 2004, of 30 December, foreigners who, by economic, social, or professional interests are related to Spain, will be issued with, for purposes of identification, of a personal, unique and exclusive, number. The personal number will be the identifier, which must appear on all documents that are issued to you or processed, as well as proceedings which require a stamp in your passport or identity card.
Thus, the number is required by anyone (who is not already registered in the EU Citizens Register , sometimes incorrectly called ‘Residencia’) to perform any ‘official or financial transaction’ e.g. open a bank account, buy a property, car etc.
This message was last edited by elaineG on 07/08/2013.
This message was last edited by elaineG on 07/08/2013.
The only requirement previously in Lorca , & most areas, was to be on the padron. We've had healthcare since 2002 .& qualified under the new rules as permanent residents before april 2012.
The reason Spain brought in the new healthcare for all was due to the EU , mainly. It was signed into Law by Rajoy , having ben approved diring zappy's reign.Once soigned in they realised that too many illegals, etc; would be entitled so brought i new residency requirements to counteract this.
So you now have the "have & have nots".
Todos somos Lorca.
I thought we were talking about the NIE, not healthcare.
Hi bobaol, thanks for that I thought it was that way round, yes the police station is in the area we are looking to buy in, and cheers elaineG for the info, we are over next week so will be an early trip to the cop shop, and see what happens along with passport plus copies, birth cert plus copies, photos plus driving licence plus copies and as much paperwork and copies that I can lol it started as both bobaol
ok back from our trip and have to say am amaised at how smoothly it all went, walked into the office in antequera at 9 am up to the desk, handed over completed EX-15 form and passport and 1 photocopy of it, she filled in her forms, handed me the form to go to the bank to pay 9.27 euro, wanded up there couple of mins walk, paid form stamped so back to the station, seen straight away and told to come back in 2 days, so from walking in at 9 am I was back in the car driving out of antequera by 9.35, that was weds went back on friday and the A4 sheet was waiting for me. so have to be fair it was a very smooth experiance
very happy 
Remember NOT to laminate your new card-it will render it invalid-that's from the lady at the police station!
hi camposol yeh understod that already, just out of curiosity how do you get a copy if the original is lost damaged or just falls apart
Wencra I think you have an NIE and I think Camposol is referring to the EU Citizens Reg Cert. 'card' which is 10.40 euros
To replace either you go to the police (same office if you have not moved) pay the fee as you would for a new application, and they will issue a new copy. That applies to either.
This message was last edited by elaineG on 22/08/2013.