This is from Maria's reference, It is the total info shown for letting in Andalucia and Balearics
BUT. What about the permisions from The Junta, the town hall, and the community; the income tax, the possible IVA with monthly returns, the new efficiency cert, the safety certs for gas and electricity etc. ???
Very important warning
When letting it should also be borne in mind that if the property becomes uninhabitable (say a fire of flood) then the person who is letting i.e. with private letting the owner, becomes responsible for all compensation claims made by the renters, including air fares, loss of holiday, etc, as NO FLIGHT / HOLIDAY insurance covers such liability. (For those who do not want believe this I suggest you call the claims/assessors dept of any insurance company. I know because some years ago I did just that and even tried to get the Trading Standard and ABTA, involved as it seemed the wording of the policies was misleading)
This message was last edited by Julianx on 16/06/2013.
This message was last edited by Julianx on 16/06/2013.