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We intend moving to Spain next spring along with our pets one of which is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. I have been told that he may have to be registered as a dangerous breed. Can anyone shed any light on this??
I suggest you google the question, as it may vary with the region you are going to.
To have a dangerous dog in Spain, of which yours would be classed as one, you need to go through the same procedure as if you wwere applying to own a firearm. This includes a psychological evauation in Spanish, proof of the dog being trained, a certificate from the police in Madrid that you do not have any criminal convictions or the same from your own constabulary in the UK translated into Spanish and notarised accordingly. You then need to approach the hacienda (council offices), fill in application forms and if you are granted permission this will last for approximately three years and will cost you many hundreds of euros.
As Spain consists of a number of autonomius regions each one will interpret the law differently.
This site should give you all that you need.
We have a Great Dane which is on the list for Spain because it is over 25Kg but Murcia region where we live doesn't regard it as dangerous and therefore we do not require a licence.
Earlier this week I took friends to view a property they were keen on. A charming little townhouse, its only outdoor space a patio. Fine, it ticked all the boxes except for neighbours dogs.
Two doors down (we didn’t dare get too close) and trying their damndest to get over their garden wall at us, two or three of the most ferocious guard dogs I have ever encountered. The row was such that you couldn’t hear yourself think. A few houses further down the calle a lady with three lapdogs. Again the din was beyond belief. There were one or two others with dogs. It was as I imagine life to be in a dog’s home.
I don’t know the answer. It is a free world and we will be told to live and let live. The house stays on the market.

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Unfortunately irresponsible dog ownership is a fact of life and gets a lot of media attention. It's a sad fact that responsible dog owners and their pets don't sell papers and therefore are rarely reported.
Please don't allow this experience to prejudice you towards all dogs.
Until we establish a culture whereby we blame " the other end of the lead " the dog will always get the blame for his owner not taking the time to properly socialise and train his pet.
Given the breed I would say your dog would defonitely be classed as dangerous in every province in Spain. You will also be requiered to take out insurance and the fine is a minimum €3000 if you don't. There are strict guidelines as well. All dangerous breeds must wear a muzzle at all times when they are outside private property and be on a lead obviously. A Spanish friend of mine didn't take it seriosuly and guess what.....€3000 by the local police just for not having insurance... and there is more to come. Any bull dog breed, rotweilers and "peros de presa" as they call them here are under close observation, when it comes to other breeds there tends to be much more flexibility with the local police. So my word of advice is do everything by the book with your dog or it could be very expensive... go to the local council "Ayuntamiento" and your local vet who will orientate you first. Its abit of a hastle but its not that complicated. Spanish mothers particularly tend to have zero tolerance with these breeds even if they have a charming nature. Over the years a lot a fear has been spread about these breeds and unfortunately yours is one of the most feared.
These are the breeds that are stated as dangerous in the Valencian Community , other breeds are contemplated but under other guidelines depending on weight, behaviour history and those trained to defend. But these are the one's I would imagine are included in all provinces of Spain.
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Perro de presa mallorquín.
- Fila Brasileño
- Preso de presa canario.
- Bullmastiff
- American Pittbull Terrier
- Rottweiler
- Bull Terrier
- Dogo de Burdeos
- Tosa Inu (japonés).
- Dogo argentino.
- Doberman
- Mastín napolitano.
- Cross breeding with any of these breeds/ Cruces de los anteriores entre ellos o con otras razas obteniendo una tipología similar a alguna de estas razas.
In my opinion I agree with Kedi it is always the owners fault but there are also certain dogs that have a inbred instinct to fight and attack, with the correct upbringing this can be redirected but unfortunately the majority of dogs aren't raised correctly, not even poodles! So there must be some guidelines in place for more agressive breeds. Unfortuantely as we say in Spain "pagan justos por pecadores".
Please don't allow this experience to prejudice you towards all dogs.
Whilst I may agree, the problem is that there are a large percentage of dog owners who are not responsible nor aware that not everyone feels as they do.
For example, I find it disgusting to see a dog defecating in the street and see no difference between a dog doing it or a human. If a human did it, most would be horrified. Even a man peeing discreetly against a wall is seen as offensive and even against the law. So what is the difference between that and a dog doing it, without an owner on the end of a lead ? The fact that the owner ‘may' clear it up does not mean that seeing the act is any less unpleasant.
Police dogs do not defecate nor urinate in the street, if they can be trained why should we have to tolerate the (untrained) owners of other dogs using public areas as toilets?
Thanks for that eos_ian.
Of course when we move to Spain we will abide by the laws of that country as we do at home. We are planning a trip to Spain in the autumn with and intend making an appointment with the local vet to get his input.
I was merely making the point that invariably dog attacks on humans come about because the dog, whatever breed, has not been properly socialised and/or has been trained to be aggressive, the latter being no mean feat in the case of the SBT given their natural affection towards people. A responsible breeder will breed for temperament as well as type which is sadly not the case with back yard breeders who, all too often, sell to the very people who should never be allowed to own this or any other breed of dog.
Hi elaineG.
Exactly my point. It's all about responsible ownership. It's a very simple task to train a dog not to go in an inappropriate area. After all that's why we house train them. From there it's a fairly easy progression to teach them where you want them to go.
My dog at 6 months passed his Kennel Club Puppy Foundation Assessment and just recently at 11 months passed his Kennel Club Bronze Good Citizen award. In the next couple of weeks he will be going for his Silver. The Good Citizen Award also requires the handler to sit a written exam.
My dog is far from perfect and, as a puppy, his training is very much a work in progress but if there was a requirement for all dog owners to attend these courses it would make life much more pleasant for everyone, dog lovers or not.
By the way I find other dogs mess nauseating but happily clean up after my dog when necessary. A bit like changing your own childs nappy???
Dog facts
How many dogs are there in the UK?
In 2003 to 2004 the population of dogs in the UK has been reported as between 6.5 million and 7.4 million.
How much faeces do dogs produce?
Dogs produce 1,000 tonnes of faeces every day.
Kedi, any chance you can get the other 80% of owners (probably more than that) to be as responsible as you are please ?
We'll do our best and if I take my dog with me to Spain I can assure you that will reduce the tonnage significantly.
We have been in Spain now for 4 mths la cala de mijas we have a Doberman dog which is classed as a dangerous dog. After doing lots of searching on the Internet I got lots of answers and was very confused then main thing I did was made sure that I had public liability which I put it on my house insurance and named the dog in the policy I also made sure that I had pet insurance which was a for a total of €300,000. I made sure that he had all his jabs, mirco chipped etc. On arriving in Spain I went To our local town hall I gave them all the paperwork needed they made an appointment for us to go and have the test which was and eye test and a reaction test, and he took a picture and filled out a card and that was that. We then had to take this card back to the town hall the lady completed all the paperwork and sent it off. About six week later we got the license and there is no mention in the license about what dog it is or any of his details just an a4 bit of paper with this little card that has our pictures on it which we have to have on us each time we walk the dog. At this point no one has seen the dog not even a vet we have had no walking test or no ability test as stated on some web pages about this. it cost €70 per person this means if you are not going to be main walker of the dog then the other person needs a license so at the moment. I have a license and so does my wife. This is just another Spain money making process which is pointless. So I say do not worry about a thing just ensure you have pet insurance and public lib insurance has all jabs done and micro chip. They say all dogs over 25kilos should have a lic but I bet they do not. The license last for 5 years. All the best.
_______________________ Tazwildman
Hi Tazwildman,
can you please confirm if that EUR 70 applies to each dog, or just to the walker? For example, we have 5 dogs!
Hi tazwildman, Not sure I want to take the risk considering that according to my research , if stopped by the Guardia and not in possession of a license, the fine is Euros 3000. As we speak I am in communication with a contact I was given through my local staffy club, a Spanish lady near where we intend moving to who has 3 staffs one of which she bought here recently and has taken home to Spain. She is making enquiries for me but doesn't seem to know much about this new law which begs the question " are the Spaniards paying any attention to this legislation"?
Hi tazwildman, Not sure I want to take the risk considering that according to my research , if stopped by the Guardia and not in possession of a license, the fine is Euros 3000. As we speak I am in communication with a contact I was given through my local staffy club, a Spanish lady near where we intend moving to who has 3 staffs one of which she bought here recently and has taken home to Spain. She is making enquiries for me but doesn't seem to know much about this new law which begs the question " are the Spaniards paying any attention to this legislation"?
Carl knowing Spain if you have 5 dogs you might have to pay for 5 license ??? I am not sure you would need to check with your town hall. I know that we have one dog and I walk him and the wife walks him And we had to pay 140€ per walker so if you say there is only one walker you might only have to pay 70€. Like I says Spain being Spain and they need the money they may want 70€ per dog per walker so speak to your town hall.
_______________________ Tazwildman