Just purchased in Los Alcazares, a couple of questions

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30 Jun 2013 6:57 PM by KERRYB Star rating in Wales & Murcia. 110 posts Send private message

We have been looking for a number of years (around 12 on and off!) for a property in Los Alcazares. With retirement nearing quickly we have decided to take the plunge and purchase a property in Los Alcazares. We have stayed many times in Los Alcazares at all times of the year. The property should complete in the next 3 to 4 weeks and we cant wait as we are back out in Spain in September by which time all the legalities should be complete.

A couple of questions.....

1) Please could someone confirm where is the nearest football team we could go and watch.

2) Any recommendations for furniture purchases as we need a bed and sofa fairly quickly.

3) We are planning to bring out skybox and there is an existing large dish on the solarium but as previous owners were German it is probably not pointing to the correct UK channels satellite. Would it be a case of borrowing a sat finder and realigning the dish and running a cable to the skybox or would I have change the LNB, etc. which would probably involve a company and a change of dish

Really excited now as retirement not far away and we now have something to works towards.

thanks for your advice


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