Legal tip 991. What Keith Rule victory means

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22 Jul 2013 8:08 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 Legal tip 991. What Keith Rule victory means 
22 July 2013 @ 07:03 

Back in 2008, when Keith Rule contacted us to fight against Banks using Law 57/68 there were just one Court Decission which could back our battle and some lawyerslaughing at our attempts

Along the following years Keith started the Finca Parcs website as well as the Bank Guarantees in Spain petition. We started to study cases and Law doctrine on a continued basis and write articles and posts on this. Continued daily efforts since September 2008 when he first contacted us, mainly promoted by him and his wish to make justice for him and other victims of same problem.

From 2008 to 2013, Case Law backing his perspective started to proliferate, possibly in part due to Keith constant fight and exposure of the problem before authorities and victims and our legal writtings in English and Spanish. Many lawyers started to see and understand the angle which has been unused in the past.

Of course Keith Rule did not discover Law 57/68  but he certainly promoted a new way to use it and the application of provision 1.2 which had been non existent to the date. Both Hellin and Albacete used these new arguments to give victory to our clients. Keith insisted on liabilities when no Bank Guarantees were issued as the frank boy in the Emperor´s new cloth. Law was there but no one has applied it before as he suggested us to do.

Keith has received congrats from many lawyers in Spain as well as that of his Government and Ambassador in Spain, just one lawyer is still questionnig the sincerity and the value of his actions: that´s just life.

Keith has now joined our team and we are full steam to work for other people in similar situations.

huge thanks and admiration again for his work



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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26 Jul 2013 4:06 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Yes a brilliant effort by Keith to enhance consumer protection.

It is also interesting to note that a certain law firm who failed to demonstrate due diligence to ensure provision of legal BG's from the outset, and also failed to act in the best interest of clients through manipulation of end-dates within the BG, thus affecting client's inalienable rights, is now suggesting that they are specialists in resolving the issues that they created!

It beggars belief and adds even more weight for the need to eradicate compromising malpractice of this nature, and ensure that accountability and justice prevails.

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