Under age drinking at Condado

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31 Jul 2013 1:08 PM by terrance43 Star rating in Hertfordshire. 34 posts Send private message

Hello Fellow Condadians,

The resort goes from strength to strength each year and the management company is doing a fine job.However what is giving a cause for concern is the number of under age drinking that is going on. Are the bars checking the IDs of these youngsters? many are 15years and younger and they remain till the early hours of the morning being a nuisance. They are neither supervised by any adult (who should be a parent who has left them to run riot) or monitored by the individuals who supplied them with drink. Many parents of these individuals are irresponsible and possibly pass on their responsibility to others ;very much like the parents of those children that believe that teachers should do what they fail to do (parental control).

If these offending CHILDREN were to be out in the early hours of the morning behaving in an anti social way without parents been present in the UK this would be a case for Social Services so WHY is this allowed to be happening in Spain.

Pure NEGLIGENCE and poor parenting..

This really has to be addressed as AL Kazar could become another city centre on a Friday night but with much younger kids pretending to be older than they are and allowed to do so by poor parents.They are ruining it all for those who just want a night out.

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31 Jul 2013 2:20 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Whilst this should probably have been posted on the Condado community page, I'm afraid you may be fighting a losing battle.  Some parents (regrettably mainly British although I wouldn't want to generalise) seem to think their kids are on holiday and can do what they want as long as the kids don't bother them.  I remember staying in a hotel in Majorca and Brit kids were left to run riot.  One woman used to go out to the disco across the road and leave here 4 or 5 year old in the room by himself.  Nursing a hangover the next day, she told the kid to %^$% off and leave her alone while she slept by the pool.  Kids were abusing staff, running round the hotel unsupervised and parents totally ignoring them.

Just recently, we have a "no-balls" rule in the pools but it is largely ignored.  If it's just a small one and kids are playing, nobody seems to bother.  However, two kids, with their parents lying by the pool. brought one of these huge ones in and started annoying the other swimmers.  Quite rightly, the lifeguard told them to remove it and got a mouthful from the parents.  The kids simply moved into another pool until told to move from there.  

It's a sad fact of life that many parents don't give two hoots about their kids.  Obviously underage drinking is a serious breach of the rules but we also see that at our local pub, again (sadly) accompanied by their parents.


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31 Jul 2013 3:25 PM by terrance43 Star rating in Hertfordshire. 34 posts Send private message

Thank you for your comment Boboal and again i completely agree with you. Incidentally i have also posted on the Condado community page but this does not appear to be read as much as EYS.

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31 Jul 2013 9:05 PM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message

I think questions should be asked at Condado about who is serving these Children if they are drinking in Al Kazar..  ( Kids... are goats).


  Fomer member revisiting r.




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31 Jul 2013 9:54 PM by whatagayday Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

I remember when we were kids we used to do the same ,they are on holiday so just let them have a bit of fun 


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31 Jul 2013 10:47 PM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

mac75´s avatar

Hi terrance43, I don't know your complex so I am not sure if you are referring to British kids or Spanish kids, if it is Spanish kids you are referring to, Spanish parenting is very different to British parenting and laws are different too. You only need to be 16 to get into a bar or a club by law and 18 to drink alcohol. Unfortunately barmen don't normally ask for ID. But who didn't drink when they were in their teens. The lifestyle is different here and it is normal in the summer for kids to be playing in the street until the early hours of the morning, especially if they are in their teens, even 8/9 year olds are playing until 11/12 at night and often accompany their parents until the early hours too especially if they live in closed urbanisations. This is Spain, it happens all over the country and always has done. No one is going to change that. You may view it as irresponsible, but its part of life over here and you can't fight it. What you can crack down on is underage drinking, which is against the law and should be tackled by the national police, but kids being out until the early hours of the morning...I doubt it. If they are the type of kids Bobaol is referring to then the parents ought to be fined or arrested by the police, that isn't the Spanish way at all. 


A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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01 Aug 2013 11:13 AM by terrance43 Star rating in Hertfordshire. 34 posts Send private message

Hi Mac75 ,thank you for your response. My views are mainly directed at Brit children who seem to cause most problems on our resort.We have not experienced any problems from the indigenous young people.

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