¿Quien es mac75?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Been living in Spain for a long long time!

Vivo en... Valencia

Me gusta... sport fishing,cycling and golf

Trabajo de... export

Mi firma en el foro es...

A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

mac75's latest forum comments

01 Jun 2024 11:50 AM:

Hi Gary-Leic

Take a look at these options :



Thread: Location advice

08 Dec 2023 12:14 PM:

The National Geographic Magazine once declared Montefrio, a village in the Granada province, one of the 10 villages in the world with the best views, and hence the best views in Spain. This unexpected accolade was the beginning of an avalanche of tourists that has changed the village forever, bringing tourism to the local businesses and revitalising what was a dormant Andalucían whitewashed mountain village.  



However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and with so many 'Eyes on Spain' I thought it would be interesting to see the views that members of EOS enjoy every day. So please post yours in this thread!


Thread: The Best Views in Spain from EOS Members

24 Jan 2023 5:09 PM:

I use Nordvpn, not bad but sometimes a little jumpy, although the connection seems to be a little jumpy from time to time. However, it does work, only haven't worked out how to get it on my tv yet without using the laptop!

Thread: which vpn

03 Aug 2021 6:26 PM:

I can't I'm afraid it was written in an email from one of the SEPE offices. I questioned it and she came back confirming it.


This message was last edited by mac75 on 03/08/2021.
Thread: TIE deadline for British Residents?

03 Aug 2021 3:15 PM:

"There is no such document as a permanent NIE green certificate" 

Well, we all know what we are talking about, el "Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Union de carácter permanente" 

which certifies that the holder is a permanent resident in Spain. This same document has the same validity as the Permiso de Residencia when it comes to proving your residency status and your rights under the Withdrawl Agreement, so it is more than just a piece of paper. 

It seems that certain administrations have already established a limit for the "green certificate". SEPE has confirmed in writing that if the TIE is not presented before the end of the year anyone receiving benefits of any kind will be withdrawn from the payment scheme. 


Thread: TIE deadline for British Residents?


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"Welcome to "QUIZ ON SPAIN", I hope you find it entertaining, as I will endeavour to put together, on a weekly basis, a quiz with general knowledge questions and maybe even language questions too, to keep you all on your toes when it comes to information about Spain and learning the language! So without further ado please give it a go and have some fun!"
Last Updated: 10/1/2019 9:06:43 AM
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Still Discovering Spain...
"Here for over 25 years and I still discover new things every day..."
Last Updated: 3/21/2025 10:04:33 PM
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