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More advice needed:
We are thinking of buying some items from amazon es my question involves delivery if we are not home at the time.
Would they as in the UK, either
Leave round side of house, or sometimes even on front door step!
Leave with a neighbour
leave a card giving pick up options from an office
or try and redeliver
bearing in mind our spanish is currently very limited any phone calls to arrange re-delivery would be challenging at best!
Deliveries from amazon are normally through MRW ( They normally leave a card for you to call and they will redeilver. You can also go to your local office to collect. However, you will have to call, but even with limited spanish its possible to communicate. You should be okay if you quote the pacage number (which you get from Amazon) and google "please deliver tomorrow, or whenever". Having said that, you can track the delivery, and you can find out the day its out for delivery.
Hi Kerry
Depending where you live
1. Never ever, you do not want this. It is very high risk.
2. Only when pre arranged and still high risk.
3. Many couriers use e-mail but this is automatic and then you phone. As kathyslad said should be OK
4. Most need a phone call, however I have known them try again same day.
best option find a local store, usually internet and post, who may accept it for a small fee. They open most days, and unlike neighbours and friends, do not play golf/ walk, visit doctors and hospitals or simply pop out for a coffee.
The couriers are very good and helpful.
_______________________ Dave
Mailpoint - Algorfa
Ok thanks for replies We are going to try and time the delivery with our 2 week stay so plenty of time to sort any delivery issues We are in Los alcazares by the way Kerry
All of our parcels are delivered by SEUR ( They usually send a despatch email with tracking number (This is from SEUR not the usual Amazon despatch notice). On there you can click the link and change delivery/address/date/add details. If you don't get one, go to get the tracking number and go to SEUR website and you may be able to do it on there. I think you can only change up until the day it is actually being delivered.
We're in Manilva, in the south CDS so may be different in other areas. When we used to order from they used to use MRW but since they stopped supersaver delivery and we're forced to use the spain site it has been SEUR all the way.
If you trawl through other forums on the topic you will find that the service from the delivering courier can vary enormously from one area to another. Although our local MRW and Seur offices are barely a few streets away, my personal experience has been that they ring when the package is in their office, and if they can get away with it, try to get you to come and pick it up, to avoid having to bother delivering it at all!
Another warning: again, in my experience buying anything from, they charge your (Spanish) card twice (although they say one charge is just a "test" payment), and refund one debit about a week later. Make sure you have sufficient funds in your account, or, for future purchases, consider asking your bank for a prepaid debit card and loading it with exactly the purchase amount. Or use a UK debit card - doesn't seem to happen then. 
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Thanks everyone for help and suggestions. Has anyone used which appears to be only home delivery
Last time I had something delivered I was not at home. The courier called me on my mobile. I said I could be back in 15 mins. He asked me where I was and then delivered the package to me in the bar where I was having coffee
Do you need to be able to speak fluent Spanish to speak to the courier?
I guess it depends on the courier. I live here so have made the effort to speak Spanish (sufficient for everyday living).