Have you been affected by a Cowboy Builder?

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27 Aug 2013 1:55 PM by amogles Star rating in El Campello (holiday.... 180 posts Send private message

I believe that with any profession you have to be wary who you are dealing with and not instantly trust them because they have a nice smile and say things that make you feel good. Many builders are such pleasant blokey types who instantly make you feel that they couldn't possibly do anything wrong and make you feel like writing a blank cheque in total confdence.

However, as others have said, this is not just so for builders but goes for banks, insurances, doctors, lawyers and many other professions.

One reason that people often spit so much bile over builders is to do with the sums of money involved. Maybe you can survive being cheated by a dishonest used car salesman or buying an insurance policy that is too expensive, as long as you make sure the next one is better. But because of the time it takes to save up for a house and then pay off the mortgage, its not something you can put aside as a valuable learning experience and seek to do better next time.

Personally, I find it pays to not go for the big jobs straight away but to test builders with smaller jobs such as repairing a garden wall or a terrace before even letting them anywhere near the roof or the plumbing (and of course not telling them it is a test). People who will cheat with big things will cheat with small things, but with a garden wall for example, it is still doable to actually count the bricks and guesstimate the amount of mortar required and if there is a larger discrepancy to what was billed for, demand an explanation (in a friendly way of course, it's not right to accuse people of scheming to con you when in reality you might just be misunderstanding). And if they do mess up and the garden wall collpases within a year or they don't properly clean up after finishing, then those are also warning signs that they won't do better on the bigger jobs.

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27 Aug 2013 2:15 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

We're still waiting to see about the little bald fellow-what is his "dubious background?"Can't make those sort of comments without justifying them!


A poster on here has already said they know what his background was, i asked 'What is it then?' no answer back, i chose not to use his name on this forum, suffice to know i do know what his background was before the TV business, and does it realy help anyone if i told them...Which as it happens i wont.


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27 Aug 2013 5:54 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Don't think DL has a notorious background..other than being a journalist ..of course.

He did a programme with an old lag re housebreaking and anyone reading just the headlines would think it referred to DL.

Have to admit that when I saw him on the dance programme did think his attitude was a trifle OTT when he was voted off and have ne re again warmed to him.....

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27 Aug 2013 9:09 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Don't think DL has a notorious background..other than being a journalist .…of course.

He did a programme with an old lag re housebreaking and anyone reading just the headlines would think it referred to DL.

Have to admit that when I saw him on the dance programme did think his attitude was a trifle OTT when he was voted off and have ne re again warmed to him.....

He never was a journalist, very far from it, never seen the dance shows so cant comment on that one, didn't by any chance break a leg..or.…Something worse, did he? 

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