The Comments |
A plate with FIB is from Northern Ireland and I suppose it can be transferred for use in Britain because NI is part of the UK. Plates from this part of the country have year of registration - county - index number e.g. the Lord Mayor of Dublin's official car 07-D-01.
_______________________ Dave
I was wondering if perhaps Fibby was referring to Ulster plates. Or is it just the case now that you can buy and register any plate of your choice so long as it hasn't already been used? So for example, you could register 8231 BHD? Which by a strange coincidence is the number plate of the bastard who hit me the other day in Malaga.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
If you read the cover of your British passport, it says United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
This means that an NI vehicle registration is part of the same DVLA database as a mainland British one.
Many of the personal registration plate companies sell NI numbers as the older ones are not year related and therefore
are a cheap way to get a personal plate.
The system of registration numbers in Northern Ireland dates from the time of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (pre 1922). They went in alphabetic order of county name IA IB etc. I think IA is Antrim and IB is Armagh. This means you can have interesting plates like CIA. In this neck of the woods IP was Kilkenny and IN was Kerry so you had RIP and SIN. Unfortunately since 1987 we have the meaningful but dull system 87-KK-01 and 87-KY-01 now.
_______________________ Dave
Thanks Joolsveer and Greatestape!
Being a mere woman, I could not explain myself properly about my FIB plate to Roberto.
You have both done it excellently, thank you!
My Brother in Spain is driving on an OIL plate, his name is not Popeye and his wife is not Olive!

One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
I've finally got it now, Fibby! Bit slow, but I get there in the end, with a little help from our friends!
So, the fact that your brother Popeye has a (Northern) Irish plate on his car is irrelvant and a red herring. The point all along was, that he is driving a FOREIGN registered vehicle whilst RESIDENT in Spain? I doubt very much the Spanish cops differentiate between one foreign plate and another. I think we all forgot what we were originally talking about - my fault perhaps for being pedantic (or just curious). Apologies 
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Don't apologise Roberto!
We all know you monkeys have lesser brains than us Humaniods!
I only wish iIwas intelligent enough to have answered your query in the first place!
is there a link between monkeys and cats?
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
 Decided to go with the solicitor as I know and TRUST him, even though the quote is dearer. My colleague got me a quote from the people registering his car which was €1500 but then he told me that he had paid €800 for a 15 year old BMW to be registered and they failed it at the ITV centre because of the UK lights. I know I must get it registered because it seems to attract a lot of attention every time we cross the border as it is. I still think it's a rip-off because they definitely don't take in to account the mileage and even though it's top of the range, having done 145,000 miles I wouldn't be able to sell it for much more than the duty they will be charging me. So stand by your beds!
I converted my car to Spanish plates in September last year, I paid a gestor to sort it for me. I had to arrange to get the lights changed, ITV, and visit the TECHNICO, in total I paid 1300€ (including lights and ITV!). My car is a 3 year old peugeot 206cc.
If this is of any help to anyone. Everyone said its not worth the hassle, but I would have lost a lot more than 1300€ if I had tried to sell it and buy another. The only real hassle was when the ITV company didnt recognise the paperwork I had as I had already changed my log book to the Export document from DVLA, but eventually they realised it was ok. The Gestor sorted all the paperwork and payments etc.
_______________________ Raquel
Does anybody know what the rules are for vans?
I have a Left Hand Drive Transit that originated in Belgium, but is now on English plates pending our move to Sabinillas, C.D.S. this summer. I would like to register it as soon as possible and fit in with the locals.
As has already been explained Northern Ireland is within the UK and Northern Irish number plates were very desirable on mainland UK because they didn't date your car and often could spell your name (a bit tacky IMHO).
I've seen a Rolls Royce with the reg ROI 15 (Rolls), there is a rich chap here who owns several upmarket hotels called Bill Hastings his reg is BIL 1066.
Next time you are in England, take a closer look at most of the coaches and long haul buses... the great majority of them are on N.I. Plates. I believe there are certain tax advantages initially, but also and perhaps more importantly, as a passenger you cannot tell how old the bus/coach actually is from its number plate...Many of them are well passed their sell by date being 20 years old or more.
I believe that in Spain, once a coach/bus reaches 15 years of age, it can no longer be used for SP or PSV service and has to be removed from service irrespective of its condition. If you want to see evidence of this see Typically you could if you so desired buy a good looking long haul coach for much less than you would pay for a car!
I looked into this briefly when I was looking around for a vehicle to form the basis of a D-I-Y motorhome for use in Spain. Eventually though we decided on a huge LHD Winnebago type Motorhome, which we bought in England and drove over here in, using it as a removals van and then a family home for six months whilst our house was being renovated. One day I will get around to posting that story in this forum!
Foxbat, great post! I always thought the geezers who run coach companies were just flash Harrys who liked thier personalised plates! And I LOVE that website! Really tempting to buy an old bus and go on a big trip, just like Priscilla! It would also p*ss the neighbours off big time!

I particularly like the pink '89 Scania they have at the moment! €11,000, what a bargain! I suppose a lot of these old crocs end up on Peruvian mountain tracks or similar? This message was last edited by Roberto on 6/16/2007.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
There are some very strange anomolies in English Law regarding buying an old bus. As I said I was looking to buy a coach, preferably one of the highline variety, because of all the extra space under the floors, to do a motorhome conversion on but a few things put me off.
Firstly the price... in the UK they are very very expensive. Typically ten to twenty times as much as here in Spain. Also despite its being a bus or a coach, once you take the seats out, it is no longer considered to be a bus or coach but an HGV. Which effectively means that I could drive the same bus for years and years carrying passengers using my PSV (now Group D PCV) licence. If my employers decided to sell the vehicle however and I bought it and took the seats out and used it for instance as a means of taking my worldy goods from point A to point B or converting it to a motorhome I can no longer drive it on my PSV licence but must go through the rigmarole and expense of taking an HGV (Group C) test.
I think most people would agree that a 12 or 14 metre coach is a coach whether it has five seats or fifty five. There is a world of a difference between a 14 metre long fixed wheelbase coach and a ten ton truck used for carting aggregate or livestock around. For a start the front wheels of the coach are generally 10 to 12 feet behind the driver; the engine is either underfloor or at the back, the handling characteristics are totally different from a truck. So I got in touch with DVLA, the same people who told me I couldnt drive a converted coach on my PSV and asked them the question Can I take my HGV test in my converted coach.....You can guess their response... err no... its not an HGV its a coach... so you cant take your test in it. 'Hang on' I said, you just told me its not a coach anymore cos it has no seats, therefore its an HGV....
Complete silence from DVLA on that score. And unfortunately its all true.
Legally, to drive that vehicle if I am alone I need an HGV; if I take my wife on board she is considered to be a fare paying passenger, irrespective of the fact that no money changes hands, fare paying in this context could mean sexual favours, the fact that she cooks a meal for me....and therefore need a PSV.
There would appear however to be a loophole, isnt there always In the UK and I think Europe a minibus is escribed as being a vehicle with between 9 and 17 seats; nowhere in the definition is there a reference to size or weight.....
Equally stupid is the fact that sinceI passed my test before 1997 I can legally drive any vehicle up to 7.5 tons. If I had passed my test after that date I would be limited to 3.5 tons. Which means If I am off somewhere in my big Yank Tank Motorhome and I fall ill, it can only be driven by someone who passed their test before 1997. Since my wife doesnt drive anyway, this would mean abandoning the vehicle wherever it happened to be.... This is a point worth noting by some of the motorcaravanning fraternity. Many of todays European motorhomes weigh more than 3.5 tons and can therefore only be driven legally by pre 1997 licence holders.
Just harping back to the note about \minibuses therefore it may be that with my D1 licence I could drive a 14 metre supercoach, provided it only had between 9 and seventeen seats....
Ask DVLA and they will give you their interpretation of the law. It has no legal standing whatsoever. In fact at the moment there is no law as such describing the extent to which a coach can be modified. One guy in England was pulled by the police for driving a converted ex-45 seater coach on a pre 1997 car licence. The case was thrown out of court because the prosecution could not decide what law if any had been broken...
Who was it said "The Law is an Ass?" How right they were....
Just a quick point regarding those coaches on the Sapnish web site, the majority of them are quite low mileage... if you can call 750,000Kms low mileage. They are so low revving that the engines are generally good for at least 1.5 million miles...and the Spanish Law on coaches and buses is very strong on servicing intervals. There are very few allowable deferred defects.Think about it when did you last see a broken down Spanish coach? Come to that when did you last see a dirty Spanish coach... For those on the CDS take a close look at the Alsina Graells Intercity coaches that daily go between Malaga and Granada, you will see what I mean...
Whilst I have had no answer to my question about registering a van, I find Foxbats posts fascinating and he should be encouraged to tell his story on EOS.
I probably will but its abit like a snowball rolling down the slopes of the Sierra Nevadas; One thing leads to another, the snowball gets bigger and just keeps rolling.... At the end of August when my wife returns to Spain and life gets back to normal, watch this space!
regarding your English plated, Belgian originating van, so far as I am aware all that is necessary for transfer to Spanish plates are the headlights have to be changed to dip right instead of left, and possibly the speedo replaced with a km/h scale as the primary information source rather than mph. I was told some time ago that dual speedos may not be acceptable if the primary indication is mph on the scale and miles on the odometer.
If only a single rear fog light is fitted, it must be on the left hand side of the vehicle as well ie Spanish offside.
Far be it for me to plug someones book but this publication seems to be something of a bible for Brits in Spain when it commes to driving and its updated monthly on the web. The updates alone seem to worth the purchase price of the book!
This message was last edited by foxbat on 6/17/2007.
Hello jmtwsm. All we know about vans in Spain is that it could ( proberly will ) come under the commercial side of vehicles regarding tax / ITV and need to be plated as in the uk, the normal cost of changing over to Spanish Plates goes from 1000--1500 eurs. but as its a van the rules might be different because of this plating system you will proberly have to get this info in Spain, I hope this points you in the right direction. Regds Rosi n