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Help I would like my daughter to drive my uk reg car to our house in spain BUT I have I'm sure read somewhere that only the owner can drive a foreign reg car in spain is this correct? I would have the car insured for her etc. Your knowledge on this subject would be most helpfull
Fill in the new owners section with your name, and Daughters name, say Mr Fred Bloggs and Miss Mary Bloggs, or perhaps if / her married name, send of the reg docs to DVLA Swansea and a new reg doc will come back with both names on it.
Then you have a reg doc with Daughter also as an owner.
And remember that our log books state that the name on the front does not prove who the car owner is.
When you get the car in Spain either sort it out in Spain, or send it back to DVLA with just your name on it.
Casperruby: You need to give a note authorising her to drive the car. That’s it.
Incidentally, anyone other than the owner of a vehicle, registered in Spain or UK etc. needs the owner’s written authority, unless the owner is present. I have a note in my Spanish Reg car, for both my sons, who come to Spain on holiday, and for my wife, authorizing them to drive my car.
The poster said that only the "Owner" can drive a UK registered car in Spain, (I dont know if thats correct or not in Spain) by giving a note to say she can drive the car is not saying she is the owner. If he put the Daughters name on the Reg Document she then becomes another legal owner, even though the Document says "This document is not proof of ownership" but that is all you can do on a UK Registration Document.
If his / her Daughter did get stopped and she had the Reg doc's, the Insurance Docs all in her name, then she wont get the 3rd degree.
I would like my daughter to drive my uk reg car to our house in spain BUT I have I'm sure read somewhere that only the owner can drive a foreign reg car in spain is this correct?
Casperruby, I am sure you understood from my post that your daughter can drive your UK registered car in Spain.
( Of course if she were resident in Spain, then in normal circumstances, she would not be allowed to drive a non-Spanish reg vehicle).
Baz, The poster said that only the "Owner" can drive a UK registered car in Spain
I know Baz, but, as I thought I made clear in my post, he/she was wrong. That was why I posted, "You need to give her a note authorising her to drive the car. That’s it." I would not have said that if she were not permitted to drive the car.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 05/12/2013.
I've just brought my UK RHD car over to Spain for a few months. My UK policy only allowed 30days abroad or could be extended at great expense, as long as you dont leave the car.i.e go back to UK and leave it here. Although Linea Directa said RHD cars CAN'T be insured by Spanish insurance companies,Jenny Cunningham do.I can take it out of Spain for 6months so will bring it back 'loaded' later in the year.Fully comp,any driver,breakdown etc.
I carry a signed note in Spanish in my car authorising my wife to drive my car To give the note more authenticity I have photocopied both driving licences on the same sheet of paper
Golf. Some years ago, during the course of an argument with a UK insurance company, I discovered that all EU policies had to provide minimum cover (3rd party) in the all the EU for the duration of the policy. If you check I am pretty certain that the Directive must still apply.
Of course you can insurance a UK registered, RHD, vehicle full comp in Spain. Look at the free newspapers , for the many adverts.,
PS see
“The directive:
- obliges all motor vehicles in the EU to be covered by compulsory third party insurance (all passengers are covered, throughout the EU)
- abolishes border checks on insurance, so that vehicles can be driven as easily between EU countries as within one country
- prescribes minimum third-party liability insurance cover in EU countries
and adapted minimum amounts according to the Directive: (2010/C 332/1 )
- specifies exempt persons and authorities/bodies responsible for compensation

- introduces a mechanism to compensate local victims of accidents caused by vehicles from another EU country
- requires the quick settlement of claims arising from accidents occurring outside the victim’s EU country of residence (so-called “visiting victims”)
- entitles policy holders to request a statement concerning the claims (or absence of claims) involving their vehicle(s) during (at least) the five years preceding the contract. The insurer must provide this statement within 15 days. This is to enable policy holders to switch more easily from one insurer to the other. “
Johnzx Im sure you're correct but I much prefer fully comp and any driver.The other point is Im sure we would find that you cannot leave the car behind .One would be covered for touring etc but not coming n going as I propose to do. A pal of mine has Saga ins,covered FREE UNLIMITED aboroad cover but......... When I asked them to confirm this they told me it was for touring only and not leaving the car unattended. So,be warned all.
Golf, I said, Of course you can insurance a UK registered, RHD, vehicle full comp (and keep it) in Spain. Look at the free newspapers , for the many adverts.,
See my private message to you
British insurance companies have been charging extra costs for years and years to use a UK registered vehicle in Europe. The EU directive has always been there and is valid today that third party cover MUST extend to Europe during the LIFE of the policy contract.
In other words if you insure a car in Britain it's automatically valid in the EU for third party cover. Green cards are simply a method for the companies to extract more money from customers. If you want fully comprehensive cover in Europe you usually have to pay extra.
Direct Line (linea Directa) is the only Spanish insurance company as far as I'm aware that don't insure British registered cars. Most others will.
This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 13/04/2014.
_______________________ Time is the school in which we learn
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Delmore Schwartz.
If you wish your daughter to drive your UK reg car in Spain then simply check with your insurance company -you will get the correct answer and any additional premuims
Some UK insurance compaines will insure a person with a non UK EU licence (eg Aviva, I have an Spaiish licence and named on a family members insurance who lives in UK and I drive their car when I return to UK fully insured) but most insist on a UK address and hence UK licence.
Bringing a car to spain there are 2 scenarios
1. As a tourist no problem and simply check what cover your policy has and for how long, if you want to extend then again check but be wary of the 6 month rule and ensure your tax and MOT are valid for the duration
2. If you leave a UK reg car in Spain for use when you come over for holiday you will fall foul of the 6 month rule where you need to transfer it to Spanish plates and pay import tax (you can avoid import tax if you bring a UK reg car as part of your initial move but you must transfer immediatley - I am not 100% on this so check with a solicitor) and infrom DVLA that you are exporting the car
The bottom line for all of this is check with the people who really know and get it in writing (DVLA, insurance company, solicitor, police, traffico etc) it is your problem if you get it wrong.
Good luck
This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 13/04/2014.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”