Unemployment in Spain down, or is it ?
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I saw in the news, the number of unemployed in Spain had fallen. However, I just wondered if that meant more people have found work, or if more people have left Spain to seek work elsewhere.
In Spain I understand that young people who have never had a job, and long term unemployed, are not included in the figures. So the good news may not be what, at first sight, it appears to be.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 11/12/2013.
Hi John I believe the figures represent all people who are registered with the INEM regardless of age and length of unenployment but I may be mistaken. I think employment is certainly on the rise but it will depend very much on where you live in the country, as the picture changes a lot from city to city. However the worry lies with the type of jobs that are being offered. Last month 36% of all new positions were in the hospitality sector and only 9% of those were full-time. Quality full time jobs are the problem and they will take longer to come, but my general feeling is that things are turning around and I don't think emigration has anything to do with it.
Pretty sure the UK ministers did some "massaging' of figures a some years back when unemployment got a bit to high for they're liking, for instance anyone close to retiring age, say 60 years old with very little chance of finding work got took out of the "Looking for work" register and on to state pension, I know one person who nearly got this one, they also removed another fair chunk of the register by re-naming them something else other then unemployed persons, many students got took of, this included quite a few different descriptions, but in reality meant the same..."Your still unemployed" but all of a sudden unemployment figures started to look rosy again.
Now because it's gone high again they are just saying it's not as bad as the media makes it out to be.
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Was this last post supposed to be in 'jokes'?
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