I hope the new year brings an end to this world wide recession.
I hope that the Spain bashers realise this is a global problem and that we should work together.
I hope the EU gets stronger, less corruption and more of a EU nation mentality rather than carrying on with small minded nationalist pride.
I hope erradication of poverty in the EU is a priority.
I hope for peace across the world
I hope for healthy, fair economic commercial competition between, EU, USA, Asia, Africa and RoW
I hope for stricter taxes on fat cats across the world
I hope all tax havens are banned
I hope for all children to have the same education
I hope all who genuinley need help get it
I hope we all get the same standard of health care where ever we live
I hope benefit scroungers are caught and all loop holes closed
I hope we all stop being so selfish
I hope religous and political extremists realise the damage they are doing
I hope politciians really start to understand and focus on what most people want
I hope for peaceful, non violent, non abusive protests when protests are necessary
I hope we all stop making excuses
I hope people work it out that 3 steps forward and 2 steps back is still progress
I hope for full economic unity, equality and peace across the world
I hope we all have a Happy New and Prosperous New Year