Can any one tell me if this is right, I have gone to the seguridad social and I think have registered my wife and myself
S1 form, the man told me to wait 1 month for a form to come from Malaga, he keept one s1 form from each of us and gave me back the other two, they give you two s1 forms in uk for each person, went back after one month and saw
a diferent person and he looked on pc and then went off and came back and gave us a form Documento Acreditativo Del Derecho A La Asistencia Sanitaria and told us to take the form to the local medical centre, we took the forms to the medical centre and they registered us on the system and gave us a Certificacion de datos en la basede datos de usuarios del sistema sanitario publico andaluz thats what it says at the top, they said we would have to bring this form with us to see the doctor and that a card would be sent to our post box in 3 to 4 months in the mean time we have seen a doctor and she has given us prescriptions for our medication we are on and told us we have to pay full price for our medication untill our cards come through you know how long things take here we might be waiting years,
can some one tell me is this right or do we have to do something else to only pay the pensioners 10% from now and not wait till our cards turn up.
Thank for any help.