From your post, readers might be led to believe one must buy the meter. It is in fact the property of the electricity company, for which one pays a nominal rental. As shown on the bill.
Removing the meter is the usual practice (maybe not always but usually) when they discontinue the supply. If they leave the meter, it is too easy to reconnect it oneself. (screwdriver and, to be safe, rubber gloves)
From Gill's post "The re-connection fee was 22 euros which will be added to the next bill" I suspect the 200 euros mentioned in this thread was for something other than the actual reconnection. Maybe the property was over 20 years old and needed a re-inspection (he mentioned a buletin**) or somethng similar.
** approximate translation : (from internet) Buletin: Basically it is an official document issued by an authorised electrician certifying that an installation meets all requirements. Showing: features, the installed capacity and the allowable maximum, and guarantees the quality of the installation. It imay nclude an outline and a location map of the installed elements. Put another way, is the hallmark of a professional quality that makes an electrical installation, accompanied by a kind of map / inventory of all that it contains.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 25/06/2014.