Does anyone know the right way to go about this?

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27 Feb 2014 5:02 PM by dbd Star rating. 63 posts Send private message

My family and myself are in the process of making the big move. We have plans to start an academy but at the moment have more questions than answers. A big question is as to whether we both have to register as autonomo if we both intend to teach from our house................... from the outset. I have read that the person only needs to pay autonomo if the person is going to make a profit, My wife is a spanish national and we don't want to have to pay somewhere in the region of 600 euros autonomo before we even make a profit. Can one of us declare and the other be an employee? Does anyone know the right way to go about this? How to avoid the extortionate fees which to my thinking stifles entrepreneurship. Thanx in advance.

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27 Feb 2014 6:07 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message



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27 Feb 2014 7:45 PM by dbd Star rating. 63 posts Send private message

Thanx Nigel for the info. but I was really asking about whether it is true that my wife has to go autonomo and whether there is a way around it. If it is a fact what I was told then we would be expected to pay nearly 600 euros a month just to be autonomo before any other costs. Is this true?

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27 Feb 2014 8:16 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message


Sorry,I don't have an answer to your question. Why don't you ask the  Question on each website. I think one or both has a Chat Service available or query the Author directly by Email.Should be contact details on each Website,






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27 Feb 2014 9:06 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

You should maybe take professional advice - at the moment I believe the Spanish government have introduced incentives for the self employed with considerable reductions in the autonomo payments for start ups, so check it out.

Here is one link with info that I've found -

This message was last edited by Pitby on 28/02/2014.

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28 Feb 2014 9:56 AM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

EOS Supporter

Hi - to be self-employed in Spain you need to be Autonomo, regardless of whether you earn a penny or not.  This is one of the reasons so many people work "on the black" as many people don´t earn enough to pay the Autonomo fees.  You also need to pay an accountant as the system is complicated and any mistakes are penalised.

I´m afraid I don´t know about whether one can be autonomo and the other employed by them, but I think you should speak to an accountant to check out if there are any options.

Pitby is right, there is a new scheme for NEW autonomos, which means you pay a reduced rate at the start, which then increases gradually until you are on the full amount.  Sorry, but I don´t have the details but someone here should be able to advise.

Something which is often overlooked is that by paying into the system you get full healthcare, which is excellent in Spain, and it also contributes to a pension.

Spain is totally against entrepreneurship at the moment but I think this will change - it has to!  You really need someone to guide you round the system and help you with all the paperwork to get yourselves started.  Just be sure you have a good few years´ worth of cash in the bank before you start out!  It is a hard slog at first but I feel that it is worth it as the quality of life here is wonderful.

All the best!


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