Accounts of the Community of Owners are actually that, of the Community, belongs to the community. Administrator, President, Secretary just have faculties for these to be produced, administrated and kept to be of your use.
If you want to access invoices or accounts documentation you need to approach the Administrator.
If you need data and documents in regards to matters discussed in metings, documents on change of statutes or any extra-fee being approved, you need to ask the Secretary, who can be same or different person as Admnistrator.
According to provision 20 of the Horizontal Property Act, administrator has the legal and professional duty of making all Accounts Documents of the community available to you.
Ask for them in written so you can keep proof of this request.
All minutes of every meeting of Comunity of Owners muct be kept safe by Adminiostrator for a period of 5 years, after which, they can be destroyed.