The Comments |
Went on a double cream hunt today (the things I do for Smiley!) Won't nata para montar do? I rather like how that translates, incidentally. Potential in that. According to 'er indoors (who knows these things) it's what we know as whipping cream (still some potential in that).
There used to be and may still be a German baker on the approach road to P.Banus (the approach road on the Marbella side - sorry, don't know it well enough to give a better description). There's one in Montemar (Torremolinos) also, so next time I pass, I'll check for bagels. Determined not be beaten on this one!
Torrie Rules! 
P.S. Greek yoghurt with honey - mmmmmmmmmmmm Also good for making tsatziki, just perfect round the pool in the summer. Nice thought, after all the rain lately..................
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Nah mate Nata is no good (simply too runny and not enough creaminess in the flavour) but thank you for going to look - gotta be proper Double Cream - in fact on rare occasions the Irish butcher in Calahonda has it but very hit and miss as to whether he will have it or not and only ever small pots - Supersol stock what is labelled double cream (UHT) in jars but its virtually solid like clotted cream - its ok but just not the same - Britiish Supermarket Double Cream is the best and as yet only reliable source is Morrissons
Sollys restaurant in Banus do Bagels - its in the Cristomar Centre opposite EL Corte Ingles - whether they will sell for home use or not who knows but if not they might tell you their supplier This message was last edited by Smiley on 2/21/2008.
Smiley -
Not really a food question but doea the M&S on Gibraltar sell cushions, bedding, rugs etc?
Back to the tread title........where would I find Quaker Oats So Simple - I packed mine to bring with me in February and Armando made me take it out of the case "you'll get that there" he said - well I couldn't find it anywhere and suffered severe withdrawal symptoms. He did come back one day with a box of Ready Brek but that's NO SUBSTITUTE. Don't the Spanish eat porridge - I couldn't find anything like it at all. I eat OSS everyday of the year - sometimes twice!
More breaking news. Just got back from Spain and Carrefour in Torrevieja has double cream. The real stuff, not UHT. €1.40 a pot and needs a good stir but it is the real stuff. Tasted great on my strawberries. Up till now, we have used the UHT nata and added a teaspoon of icing sugar to thicken it up.
Stop going on about food! Need a choccy break now!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
I bought two Lindt Chocolate rabbits today (gold foil/bells round their necks) for my "children" and I just eaten both of them!!!!
Hi Sharon,
Could have been worse, you could have tried to light up the bunnies LOL.
HAH - reminds me of when I first came to Spain, Kids were only 5 and 3 at the time and you couldnt get easter eggs then - 13 years ago - without going to Gib or paying a huge amount for them. So I didnt bother.
Well, around 5 or 6 years later the kids went back to the uk for a visit and Grandma presented thm both with a large choccy egg each. They had no idea what they were or what they were for, so she explained
And BOY was I in DEEP trouble when they came back! They have STILL not forgiven me for depriving them of a few years of easter eggs and remind me every year of my crime, so I ensure I get them every year - specially as little son is now over 6ft 3 at age 15!!!!!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
My cousin did something similar with her eldest when he was little.
I can't remember exactly what she told him but he was about 4 before he knew that the chimes that he heard regularly in the summer belonged to an Ice Cream van!!!
Parents can be so cruel.
Yes I did well didnt I. They do remind me every year that I owe them 6 years worth of choccy eggs!
And yes parents are sooooo cruel. I remember when my two were little, they would not get out of the bath when told. One day as they still would not get out, I noticed one of them looking at the whirpool at the plughole after the plug was pulled out. I was asked what it was, so I told them the scientific phenomenon of the plug monster!
Certainly made them get out the second I pulled the plug out next time around.
One day, they were watching me in the bath. I pulled the plug and as the water started to drain away, I pretended I was going down the plughole to the plug monster. Boy was I wetting myself with laughter as they tried to drag me back, crying and screaming for their dad!
What a confession and Im really sorry kids......(NOT!)
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Found this update on the ICELAND WEBSITE regarding new store in Torrevieja.
We are delighted to announce that the next Iceland Superstore is coming to Torrevieja in June 2008. Work starts on this new superstore in April. We are recruiting in April/May and hope to Employ over 40 Full time staff in this Branch. The Branch will have Car Parking for 80 cars. The store will be open from 09.00 to 20.00 Monday to Friday and 09.00 to 18.00 on Saturday. The store will have an instore Bar Cafe serving Light snacks and Drinks. We will sell Newspapers/Magazines, Fresh Fruit and Veg direct from the Uk as well as your Milk and favourite Bread brands. We will have a full range of Iceland products as well as over 1500 new Waitrose products. You will be able to buy Birthday Cards or some pocket money toys for your children. It is going to be another cracker and we can't wait to Open. The store is situated on Avda Cortes de la Valenciana, Number 9 - Opposite Bankinter and on the same road as the Eroski Store. Work Permissions have delayed the opening of this store and it is only now that we have obtained our paperwork to refurbish the Supermarket. Watch out for more details
Garry Richardson Managing Director
This message was last edited by morerosado on 4/29/2008.
Just keep your fingers crossed that Kerry Katona doesn't come over to open it!!!!
can anyone tell me if MORRISONS in GIBRALTAR prices are the same as uk prices please..thnaks
No the prices at Morrisons are not the same as the uk, because they have to import everything and that costs...
we live in mallorca and sometimes bring food over in bulk from morrisons uk so thought might be worth going to the gibraltar outlet