The Comments |
Hi, Everyone, Has any of you guys out there bought any property through MASA. I was wondering what the general opinion of the company was? I have heard some very good things about them, Thanks Jamesie...
That's not what I have read on this and other forums. Do a search for masa and see for yourself .
I am glsd that everyone I have spoken to about the company does not have the same opinion as you,,
Why are you asking about Masa if you have already established thay they are fine then?
Surely personal recommendations are the best and if you are happy with that then it doesnt matter what others think.
Good luck with your purchase.
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
I am glsd that everyone I have spoken to about the company does not have the same opinion as you,
You asked a question, I answered with the information that is readily available on this and other sites, so why the attitude?
Hi Jamesie, What is the problem if you are happy with MASA that is fine, so why are you asking people to clarify the fact is their something you are not happy about? Or do you just want reassuring I do not know much about MASA but I do know where we are their is a couple that used them and said they were great. If that is any help. Apart from that I only know what you read on the forum and doing searches. Good luck with your purchase where is it by the way? Regards Pat
Tell us more about your concerns & members could maybe help. My husband & I had problems with Masa on our inspection trip & so were not likely to buy from them. This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/24/2007.
Hi Jamesie,
Just to say that we bought through Masa and have no cause for complaint. We were not put under any pressure whatsoever to buy and were kept up to date right up to completion. I personally would recommend them but obviously some people have had problems.
Thanks for your opinions, sorry Mark did not mean to come across like that,
Hi all
i think Jamesie has had some negative vibes about the company and is therefore a little concerned and needs some reassurance. I suggested that he post on here and ask for other people's opinions/experiences as i know there are so many who have experience of MASA and i think that it is better that he hear first hand the good and the bad in order that he can be forewarned and forearmed and know what to watch out for (if anything).
So come on guys ... help a guy out and tell him what you think! As you know it can be a very confusing and stressful time when buying a property and thats why the members on here are a godsend with all their knowledge and personal experience

Jamesie - By posting a one line question you are getting a one line answer.
After reading Em's reply I did a search and see that you hope to be in Quesada soon.
How about starting this afresh and give us some more information on how you are using Masa.
Are you buying a new property or a resale?
I personally haven't used their services so I cannot comment on how good or bad they are. I'm sure that once others read your story then they can relate how Masa dealt with their similar experiences.
When reading forums like this then mostly you hear the horror stories and the large companies do not come out smelling of roses where new properties are concerned. They seem to be fine when all is going well but once a problem occurs then they are rubbish at sorting it out. Some companies are even still taking people to view sites which are unlikely to be built on.
Personally I would want to hear the horror stories as I think you can tell what a company is like by how they deal with the problems when they occur.